Chapter 16

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'Tell me where you like to go, all I want is you.'

My eyes flutter open as I come to my senses. Ropes tie me down on a pole, not letting me move an inch.

Concrete floor was caressing my legs. Therefore my heels were taken off.

A familiar smell lingered around this place. Like someone's perfume.

Then it struck me.


I turn to search for her in the darkness but couldn't see anything.

Then I took in my surroundings. I was in middle of no where with no place to go.

"Why the fuck am I tied up like this?!" A familiar voice comes from my right and I smile in both relief that she is with me and that she is being so carefree.

"Isn't it obvious? We're kidnapped you dumbass." I say as a matter of fact and she snorts.

"Fancy seeing you here." She greets me and this time I laugh.

"Seems like it will take a bit time. Why don't we chill?" I say to her and she hums.

"Only MinSae wasn't invited." Seulgi says and I hum as a reply.

"I know. And it can be her and Pa Hi." I softly say as my legs play with the small particles lying on the floor.

The doors opened from the front and people came in with lanterns in their hands. I noticed their clothing and realised they looked somewhat familiar.

The light emitting from the lantern made the place more visible.

It was a broken down house. By the looks of it, we were quite far away from the palace. I turned to look at Seulgi and her hair were fully on her face. Seems like she was struggling for a while.

But the fierce look on her face that looked like a predator looking down on their prey said she was perfectly fine.

The men placed down their lanterns and started to rip off our ornament without saying a thing.

Suddenly, A breaking sound came from my right and my eyes twitched.

'As far as I remember, she was wearing her favourite jewellery.'

I turned to look at her, already knowing what was to come.

"HEY! YOU ASSHOLE! THAT WAS MY FAVOURITE ONE!! HOW DARE YOU BREAK IT?! IT WAS BOUGHT BY PARK SEONGHWA AS A SOUVENIR FOR ME! PAY-" As she was screaming at him, another one went and slapped her face. Making me growl in anger and her glaring at the man.

"If Yeosang ever finds out you slapped her, He will feed you to wild bears!" My fist clench as I frown. The man who slapped Seulgi turns to me with a smirk.

"You won't be able to leave this place." He taunts us and then a figure appears near the doors.

I recognize the fragile figure and turn to Seulgi. She seem to already be preparing to scream at them because hell she cracked her neck.

'When you can't hurt physically, You can hurt mentally. The effects are always double.'

I advise myself and I turn to the figure. It obviously being Minsae.

She approaches me, totally ignoring Seulgi and leans in my face. Her childish yet psychotic smile making me cringe.

"You think I wouldn't know?" Minsae questions and I raise my eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused as to what she is implying.

"Don't act dumb. You made my man drunk and layed with him. You are such a Slut!" She pushes a finger accusingly at me and I close my eyes.

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