Chapter 12

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(Outfit in the picture above with a veil on your face)

'Time to do some dance.'

I think as I walk into the bustling Nam-gu district. After all, Lees are very genuine so the whole Nam-gu was here.

I casually stroll behind the crowd, trying to find suspicious faces.

'It's better to walk front. What if I'm here and by the time I reach there the deed is done?' I shake my head at the thought of being punished in the cold prison.

I walk towards the frontline and fold my arms behind my back. My fan-blades clanking.

The carriages comes in view as everyone cheer loudly. Women in pretty Hanbok start throwing flowers to welcome the Lees.

As their people walk through, the people kneel. I smile softly as I see the sweet gestures of the people.

As the carriage passes through, Everyon is kneeling, including myself.

"Let him reach the border of the palace, it's quite silent over there because they don't want too much attention from people." Someone's voice speaks from behind and I raise my eyebrow.

'It's not safe after all...' I turn to take a glimpse of them. One bulky guy stands and one strong built.

They follow the Carriage and I climb the roofs, jumping from one to the other. We reach around the border and I decide to show myself to the assassins.

"Stalking the Lees, I see." I casually walk behind them, my face hidden perfectly and My blades waiting to be touched.

"W-Who are you?!" The bulky one points a finger at me, scared.

"Who are you and who sent you here?" I order them but they shake their head.

"Invalid information." The strong built one speaks calmly.

One is nervous and the other is firm.

"Well, Same for you." I pull out my fan-blades and both the men take out their knifes.

"Be careful, it's poisoned." The strong built one says and I raise my eyebrow.

"Well, Hope you will be poisoned by it." I spring to the bulky one and inspect his knife, as expected he has the poison and not the other one.

"Have a goodnight sleep." I backflip and in mid-air, I stab his neck. Enough to faint him.

I pick the knife from his hand and throw it to the other assassin. He looks at me with a smirk then grabs the knife and runs away.

"You should've taken your half dead companion away, Now I have to take him to His highness." I carry the bulky one and drag him till the gates.

"Stop! Name and Identity!" The soldier standing outside asks and I nod. Removing my veil and revealing my identity. Both the guards look at me in shock and bow quickly.

"We don't have time, one of you carry him and take him to the prison." They nod and one of them approaches the half dead body and other opens the gate.

"As soon as he wakes up, make sure to report to me." The guard who carries the man nods and I walk off to the throne room.

'The only thing I hate is this dress is short, but he told me to be there as soon as I complete my mission.'

I deeply sigh and see Minsae eavesdropping.

'Sorry for my foul mouth but, what the fuck is she doing here? She's supposed to be exiled!'

I decide to ignore her and walk inside the chattering throne room.

"Advisor Kim greats His great highness." I bow to Yeosang, somehow we seem to be wearing matching clothing. Just him having silver decorating his body, and me having yellow flowers.

"Is this the Royal Advisor I have heard so much about?" A strict female voice say and I turn to her.

Her black hair seem to flow open with only a hairpin decorating her head. She wears a beautiful Kimono with heavy jewelry.

'A royal who like simplicity.'

I notice two male standing behind her and quickly kneel.

"The Royal advisor welcomes the Considerable Lees. I am glad to hear that I have a decent reputation." I say and the woman laughs.

"She is well trained, Highness. As expected of a Royal advisor." She turns to Yeosang and he seem to be glaring at me.

Well, he is my King after all, why would he like me kneeling? Hmm. He doesn't like it.

I quickly stand and he seem to regain himself.

"I'll be leaving now, enjoy your stay." I quickly say and turn to look at him. His eyes say something that make me blush.

'Come back again.'

Well, you must be wondering whether he has some powers. No, I can read his eyes and he can mine, easily.

I walk out only to see Minsae waiting for me with her arms folded. I raise my eyebrow as soon as I see her and try to walk away.

"You know your place right?" She grabs my arm and I raise my eyebrow.

I nod and try to walk away but she grabs my hand harder.

"Mrs.Park, We have no business together and don't try to make a scene because we have guests." I pull my hand out and walk away when someone else stops me.

"Advisor Kim?" A strained voice say and I turn around to see a soldier from the Lees side. I nod and he points towards the throne room.

"My Lady have requested you to join them for a drink with Emperor Kang." I deeply sigh and tilt my head.

"Is your lady fine with waiting?" I playfully ask and he seem to realize that I mean as a joke and shakes his head with a small smile.

"Alright, let's go." I walk with him and back to the throne room. I bow to greet everyone and they nod.

"You came quite quick, where were you?" Yeosang asks softly and I shrug as I take my place.

"There was a wild dog outside, was trying to calm it down." I realized that Minsae is the type to not give up easily so she must still be eavesdropping.

Yeosang holds his laugh and realizes whom I'm talking about and shakes his head. He pours a little bit of the soju and Lady Lee seem to notice it.

"Why so less, Are you not happy at our arrival?" She taunts Yeosang and he shakes his head.

"It's not safe for his highness to drink too much, he has alcohol tolerance but, I don't want him drinking too much, I apologise." I bow my head and she smiles at me.

"So the Royal Advisor is practically like the King's wife." She casually comments, making me choke and release a cough.

"Something among those lines." Yeosang cheerfully says and clanks his filled cup- wait! Filled cup?!

"Highness-" I try to say but, he's already drinking it.

'What provoked him?!'

I turn and decide to not drink much.


A/n: things are about to heat up!! Hehe!

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