Chapter 3

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"Say prodigy, " the considerable Queen, Ma Yi gains my attention by the infamous nickname I have as I pour the chamomile tea in her glorious cup gifted to her from the west.

"Yes, your great highness? " I softly reply as I nod my head in respect.

"Just like the ripples that hit the grit, why do dilemmas hit Humans negatively? Is it because of destiny?" The Queen asks as she twirls her hand elegantly and observes it with keen eyes.

I smile at the thought of her wordings and shake my head.

"My great highness, the dilemmas you talk of, are simply a test of courage given by the heavens. As for the water desperately trying to reach out the land and embrace it, the waves are our dilemmas, " I stand up and walk to deliver the Queen her chamomile tea as I continue my explanation.

"And we, the humans, are the land. this only expresses that after every dilemma there is a fortune." I present the tea to her and she gladly takes it with a proud smile on her face.

"And that fortune is the cause of our happiness. was I right, your great highness?" I turn to the Queen with a strong desire in my eye and she settles her cup on the elegant Mahogany wood from the Indian woodland bought by their king for her piousness and contribution to his country and troops.

"Why would you ask that? Of course, I think your observations were absolute and perfect, child." The queen pats me on my shoulder and I smile warmly at her.

She continues to drink her tea as I clean a vessel of flowers bought by the 3rd queen, Yi Na, who had called a very skilled merchant to create it.

Suddenly the door abrupts open and I startle in shock, the jar almost falling out of my hands. I take an irritated sigh as I notice the queen's sons fighting to each other, again.

"Greetings Queen Mother!" Both the boys greet her highness in a hurry and she sighs at the mess in front of her.

I turn to face them and stand beside the Queen, Bowing to both the boys.

'Even when we are of the same age, the formalities would never decline.'

"What happened this time?" The queen asked, her rage hiding behind her facade of sweetness.

"YuChan hyung tore my favourite Hanbok which was gifted to me by the 3rd queen mother!" Says a very soft yet raging voice and I smile.

"That's not true Queen Mother! It was the varmint roaming in the royal courtyard, I saw it myself! And Ji Eun was there with me too!" YuChan states with his eyes showing innocence in him and a smile plaster on the Queen's face as she calls them up to her throne.

The boys glance at each other and walk to her highness.

"YeoSang-ie, " the queen mother calls him closer and places a finger on his forehead.

"YuChan didn't do it." Yeosang and Yuchan glance at each other and sweatdrop.

"W-What do you mean, Queen mother?" A giggle is what leaves my and the queen's lips as the boys stare in confusion.

"I apologize for interrupting your highness Kang Yeosang and Kang Yuchan, but this must be confessed to you both that Queen know of your strategy to gain attention." I bow politely as the boys glance between each other then at me and her highness.

The boys realize that they have been caught and make a run towards the entrance of the throne room.

"Oh my my, I apologize for bumping into you both but be careful next time your highnesses." A very familiar voice, coated with sugar and politeness, walks in the throne room.

As he walks, I and the Queen notice two small figures in his arms trying to escape. A smile lays on our lips as the major commander, Yu Han, presents the two attention-seeking Kangs.

"Now, what punishment should I give you both for lying to me?" The queen acts as if she's thinking about a punishment and then she turns her head to the boys.

"Why don't you go and read those political books in the library? They are very interesting for naughty kids like you both." The queen smiles evilly and the boys sweatdrop.

"Your great highness, I was gonna go to the library myself, give me the honour to escort them with me." I bow down and the Queen agrees to it.

That leads us to me trying to ignore the savage plans being created to gain the queen's attention again.

"Hey listen, You are close to queen mother right?" YuChan comes and snakes his arm on my shoulder.

"You both are closer than me," I state and YuChan clenches his fist.

"You should know that we don't want to go there right?" As Yeosang states that I smirk.

"I'm totally aware." I throw off YuChan's hand from my shoulder and fold my hands.

"I'm also aware of a certain duo which will go as far as to stand in a training ground with just a wooden branch in their hand." The boys glare at me and I smile in satisfaction.

"I'm glad to know you were Offended by my words, Your Highnesses." I bow down and walk to the library room just around the corner, the boys following suit.

"Good Afternoon Miss Kim, What would you like to read today?" I turn to an elderly voice and smile at the minister standing in front of me.

"Good afternoon Minister Yo. I came here to fetch some books I need to take for highness Park." The minister smiles and walks to a table on which there are piles of books sectioned for different purposes.

"Minister Yo, " a sigh escapes my lips and he smiles innocently towards me.

"Don't expect me to deliver those piles around the palace..." I walk to a pile on which the name of the person I want to give the books to is written on and I carry it.

"As for this duo, You are supposed to give them the political books and give them a test. If they don't succeed 90% of it, give them another pile of books." I bow down and walk to the door.

"You are no different from the ministers you know that right? You as a Kim should know your place." Says a really elderly voice and I raise my eyebrow.

"If I were the same as the ministers, " I turn to glare at the person who provoked me.

"I would be in the same place you are in. As for my place, I'm well aware of it, but it seems that you aren't aware of your position, Concubine So." I walk past her, banging my shoulder into hers.

"You are a rat! You should stay away from the Kangs!" So starts screaming and I just walk off, Ignoring her.

'Kangs have really beautiful eyes and that's why I believe that if their eyes are beautiful, then just like the eye is the window to the soul, their hearts are also beautiful. Some Kangs are exceptional though- No wait, Only 1 Kang is exceptional.

Kang Pa Hi.'


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