Chapter 11

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The whole room falls silent as everyone glance at each other and then the said couples.

"Lady Park and Sir Kang, Would you please present yourself?" Yeosang elegantly points at the two and they quickly come in front of him and they kneel.

"Lady Park Jihyo greets you, highness." Jihyo speaks first then Daniel.

"Sir Kang Daniel greets you, highness." Yeosang accepts and they both seem quite tensed.

Yeosang looks at me and I nod at him. I walk to the pair and raise them from their places. Them now facing me.

"If you have any problem from each other or even from the clans, we will decline your marriage. This is your decision so choose wisely." As I say that, they both glance at each other and then look at me. They bow and shake their head.

"Very well, Lady Park will be engaged to Sir Kang soon. Spread the word." I say and then turn to Yeosang.

"Congratulations, To both Kangs and Parks." All the young ones or should I say the siblings, cheer gleefully and A smile places itself on me.

"Spread the word!" Yeosang orders and so, The rumours spread.


After the meeting, Seulgi dragged me to the Kangs household. Why? For dinner. She barged into the dining hall.

'Been barging in alot eh? What's wrong with her...'

I sweatdrop as she sits on a place and then orders me to sit beside her. I hesitate because she chose the worst place for me to sit. Right beside the King's chair.

I as a royal advisor should sit beside him but, as a female I won't.

I take a deep breath and sit with Seulgi.

"Sangie will be delighted!" Seulgi cheerfully says and my eyebrow twitch.

Mother Queen enters first and We both raise from our seats to greet her. She smiles at me and sits across me.

"Seulgi, did you force her to sit there?" Ma Yi asks and Seulgi giggles hysterically. Ma Yi takes it as a yes and shakes her head.

"Hope you are comfortable, Lady Kim." I tense up at the title she gave me. Not as an advisor but, as a female.

"I-I am C-comfortable..." I reason with her but, I stutter. Something I hate coming from me.

Chan and Yeosang enter while conversing and all three of us raise to greet him.

"Greetings Mother Queen and lady Kim." He bows down and I raise my eyebrow.

'They all are calling me lady kim, as if they planned it.' I sweatdrop at the thought.

I reply by bowing back and he sits down, followed by mother queen and then the rest of us.

"No formalities in this household, (Y/n)." Ma Yi says and I stare at her in shock. I give a slight smile and nod.

"Then what will she call you, mother?" Yeosang asks and she just shrugs.

"What you all call me, 'Mother'." She starts eating her food and Yeosang nods.

"But... is it ok?" I ask but Seulgi nudges me.

"Don't question too much, eat up or I'll take your food too." I glare at her when she says she'll take my food and she laughs.

'First priority, Food!'

"Anyways, Sang, as I was saying, (Y/n) will come and postpone the training to evening and I'll be taking over." Chan speaks as we all eat. Yeosang nods but, stops eating.

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