Chapter 6

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"Dear Royal advisor!" Yeosang suddenly speaks up and makes me jolt in fear as he sings in a very childish voice.

He sits on his throne and I sit just one step under him near a small table just for me to make observations, scrolls lying around me lazily.

"Yes, Highness?" I give a slight nod and he just smiles.

"Entertain me with some new poetry!" He strerches his arm out as he sings his words. A smile places itself on my lips.

"Remember, the moment, these feelings.

Remember this space and our promise.

Remember the tracks.

Remember the tremor.

Remember. Remember."

I softly say while I write down some notes I had taken from the Ministerial meeting not long ago as I try to make sense out of them.

"Why does the poet repeat remember again and again?" He hums as he plays with the notes I made.

"He wants the people to not forget what they've gone through but he wants them to keep it as their strength." I happily hum in a similar tone as I finish the last stroke.

It's been months and people really love to visit the palace as the king advices people right. We have grown a lot closer.

He calls me his friend.

"And what promise might he be talking about?" He places his index and thumb finger on his chin and pretends to think.

"I didn't make the poem your highness...and He must've made the promise with someone he loves." I start collecting the papers and tie them in different topics.

"With someone he loves." He glances at me and then starts stretching his arms.

"Yes, highness." I hand over the papers to him and stand to walk down.

"Where are you going?" His pout can be felt through his wordings and I turn to him.

"Pardon me, But you would need some time to read the papers... I'll be going." I quickly bow to him and walk towards the exit.

"Just say that you will be meeting your lover!" Yeosang teases and I turn to him in shock.

'A lie that turned our bond more stronger...or did it become weaker?'

"Lover who?" I raise my eyebrow challenging him to speak up. He sloppily leans on the arm rest of throne and smirks.

"It's either the Chois most lovable son, Choi San or the Jung who came from the North, Jung Wooyoung." He says as a matter of fact.

'I wish you would know...'

I fold my arms and stare right into his eyes.

"What if it's both of them?" I notice the hint of sadness in his eyes as he leans his head down.

"Then tell me who stole your heart later on yeah?" He starts reading the papers, his bracelet jingling as he straightens the paper with a jerk.

'Oh you already stole it long ago...'

"Yeah..." I walk out of the throne room only to be met by the rat of the palace.

Park Min Sae.

"Oh look at that, you should be grateful to mother queen that you got a place near the king." She pokes my shoulder and a sigh escapes my lips.

"Greetings, Lady Park-" Before I could complete my sentence she stops me.

"Lady Kang." She says and I cringe at her.

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