Chapter 4

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"Minister Yo, we passed the test by 95%!" Yeosang cheers and Yuchan high fives with him.

"It seems so young masters." Minister Yo compares the papers to find a hint of cheating but keeps his mouth a gape.

"You may leave then, Young Highnesses." He sighs and walks towards his pile of work.

"Thank you, Minister Yo." Both the boys say politely and walk out to their respective palace.

"So much for sneaking into the throne room." Yuchan says as a sigh escapes his lips.

"If not for that girl whom mother loves so much, we could've escaped!" Yeosang says with anger fuming his eyes.

"Mother is so fond of her...I wonder why so?" Yuchan ponders and bumps into someone.

"My apology Sir Kang." A pitch voice speaks and Yuchan bows.

"No, it's my fault I wasn't watching my way, lady Jihyo." Yeosang also bows to her and she turns to him.

"Have any of you seen (Y/n)?" The boys glance at each other and shrug.

"She came to the library with us, then she left with some books saying she had to deliver them." Yuchan speaks with a hint of irritation in his voice.

'Why is it that she is the topic around the palace?'

Yuchan thinks and then something hits him.

"Lady Jihyo? Can you spare us some of your time?" Jihyo tilts her head in confusion at the sudden request from him.

"Daniel Hyung would be mad." Yeosang says with a smirk and Jihyo blushes.

"N-no, I h-have so-some time.You may s-speak t-to me." She stutters at the mention of the eldest Kang and YuChan smirks.

"What's with (Y/n) being so important?" Yeosang raises his eyebrow and the girl widens her eyes in shock.

"She is the prodigy of the Kingdom, she is also predicted to be an advisor to the future king. That's all I know for now, My apologies but I must go." Jihyo told in a hurry and walked past them towards the library they just came from.

The boys stood in shock processing what she told and then turned to each other.

"The future king huh?" Yeosang told as he looked up at the bright sky with the rays of sun falling on the palace. Him being aware of the future king.

"Well none of our business. Let's go, Sangie." Yuchan grabs yeosang and they both leave to their palace.


"Lady Jihyo?" The girl speaks as she knocks on the wooden door in front of her.

The door slides open revealing some of Jihyo's servants.

"Greetings Lady Kim, what brings you here?" The servants bow to her and she hand them the pile of books in my hand.

"Lady Jihyo ordered these, please notify her that these should be returned by the next full moon." The servants take it and nod as the girl bows again and walks out of the Park clan's palace.

"(Y/n) wait!" A sweet voice stops her and she realizes the voice as Jihyo's.

"Oh lady Park! Where were you?" (Y/n) bow to her and she shakes her head.

"The Kang duo asked about you." Jihyo knits her eyebrows and she lets sigh out.

"It's okay, I just hope they don't go too deep, 2 years later and one of them will be crowned as the king." The girl mumbles for only Jihyo to hear.

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