Chapter 1

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The people were happy until this moment. The palace was in utter grieve, The air wiping the tears of the trees as some droplets search for the warmth hold of the ground, Trying to hide in it.

"The king is now deceased!"

Echoes the same sentence around the whole royal palace. Around the whole country, Around the whole place, There was grieve.

The king is gone, And so is the harmony. The peaceful Kang palace was now in chaos.

Maids running for confirmation. Concubines holding each other and crying.Consorts standing near a familiar body.

In the room, A small girl stands as tears threaten to fall."He gave out his will."

Says a soft voice. Queen Yi Na, 3rd wife of King.

"No! Not that child YiNa! Why not my son?!" A harsh voice.Queen Pa hi,1st wife of King.

"Please, tell me what happened."Says the small girl while building up her courage.

"What will you do?!" Queen Pa Hi screams, Making the girl flinch. Yi Na grabs her by the arm and pulls her back.

"She's the prodigy, Sent down by God for the sake of our Kingdom. Refrain yourself from raising your voice."Says Yi Na calmly as the Queen Pa Hi jerks herself away.

"Child, It seems that he has given this letter, I want you to verify the handwriting and whether it's fake or not."

Yi Na pulls a paper from under the plank on which the king lies lifeless.
The girl observes with full attention, her eyes scanning the paper over and over for what had written.

"Your Great Highness, this is indeed his Great Highness' handwriting, but are you sure he wrote this before him ascending to the heavens?"

Asks the girl politely and the Queen smiles and nods at her."Yes, I'm well aware child."

"Then I Assume that you, Your Great Highness Yi Na, Shall present the Will passed down by his great Highness tomorrow at the King's court." The girl quietly bows and walks out.

"I shall do the honour, Child." The Queen herself bows to the door the girl left from.

The 1st queen picks interest in what's written in the Will so she asks.

"What is His majesty's Will?"

"The new king will be announced after he is 18 and till then, the 2nd queen, Ma Yi will take the throne. Also, the prodigy has 2 tasks." The 1st Queen looks up in great curiosity and anger displaying on her face.

"And?"She raises her eyebrow in annoyance and impatience.

"She will be the Royal advisor of the new king and She should be married by the age of 18." The 1st queen stares in shock as she realizes that the new king will definitely not be her Son.

"Why did he do so?! Why!" The Woman screams as she twirls around in her expensive silk with pure rage and defeat.

"Because he is the king."The 3rd queen calmly states and walks out of the room.

The 1st queen, Still raged from the will, starts throwing ornaments around while screaming one thing.

"Come back! You can't throw me here!"


"I, 3rd queen of the Kang Kingdom, have been ordered to read down the Will written by his great highness."

The woman stands in gold and white silk as her beautiful hair ornaments clank each other, creating a harmonious tune.

"This is the King's will! We shall accept it!" Says a minister from one place and everyone start cheering till the queen shows her palm, Commanding them to Silence themselves.

"I shall read it out now...

'By the time you get this message, I have descended to the heavens and am watching you right now. The new king is declared, And his name will not be revealed as it would threaten him, I declare the 2nd Queen, Ma Yi, as the Royal highness till the King is eligible  and prepared to face everyone.'

This is the Will for the king." The queen looks up to see the reactions of people, a majority in shock, she smirks and continues.

"I shall continue...

His Will also regards the Prodigy from the Kims.

'The Kim Prodigy will ascend a new position, 'the royal advisor' of the king and guide him.

The prodigy shall get married by the age of 18 otherwise, she will be married to a man chosen by the king." The 3rd queen folds down the Will and faces the audience.

"Objections?" The queen asks and no one answers.

"Objection is treason, at least they have the brain." The girl speaks and the 3rd queen holds her laugh and nods in satisfaction.

"As expected of the prodigy," she compliments the girl and turns to the audience.

"May the 2nd queen ascend the throne tomorrow, Start the preparations and not a single delay shall be tolerated!" The 3rd queen orders and everyone scatters around immediately.

Everyone but the girl."Your great Highness?" The queen turns to the girl and she smiles.

"Yes,(Y/n)?" That's right. The child prodigy's name is Kim (Y/n).

"Honestly, I may know why he made the 2nd queen ascend the throne and not you, who is A lot more capable." The girl innocently smiles.

"Oh? And may I know why?"The queen smiles as she already knows that she is called prodigy for a reason.

"Maybe because the throne can be ascended by a proper heir, and as king wishes, he can make any of his wives ascend, but out of all 6, he chose the 2nd one, that too she was a Kang. It takes to only one conclusion. The king is going to be from the 2nd Queen's Sons." The girl proudly keeps her hands on her hips with a victory smile and Yi Na starts laughing.

"You have proved yourself again Prodigy, I'm proud!" She ruffles the girl's hair and leaves the court, leaving the girl alone.

"The Royal advisor huh? I wonder how many predators will set an eye on me this time."

The girl's voice echoes and she walks out of the court only to meet a unique pair of eyes.

'A Kang!'

The girl quickly bows as she notices a boy not much older to her."I didn't watch my way Your Highness, please forgive me."

The boy stares at her in confusion. "How did you know I'm Royal?" The girl widens her eyes and quickly tries to escape but he grabs her hand.

"Please explain."The pleading in the boy's voice was irresistible so she spilt.

"All the Kangs have a really unique and beautiful pair of eyes."

She walks away in embarrassment.


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