Chapter 9

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"Solved!" I smack my fist on my palm and the siblings turn to be with an eyebrow raised.

"Do share." Seulgi teasingly says and I playfully glare at her.

"Since we already have a Jung here, we can request him to ask his brother to take back his proposal." Seulgi's eyes brighten up but Chan seems to stay in deep thoughts.

"His brother and he aren't close." Chan says and I shake my head.

"I know that but, a try won't hurt right?" I smile brightly at him but he seems unsure of it.

"Or we can request Yeosang to ask the Park household to take back their proposal." This time Seulgi frowns.

"He won't come in these conflicts unless..." she inspects me and I look at her in confusion. Her intentions seeming very. Very. Very wrong.

"You Have two options, either you Convince him or you ask him for permission to destroy all the goods going to that place." There she goes with her crazy ideas and Chan seem to jolt up in shock.

"He won't-" Chan tries to protest but Seulgi interrupts him.

"He will never reject a request coming from her." She backs up her plan and Chan gives up.

"I don't even know where he is right n-" Before I could escape her wrath she again interrupts me.

"He's in his room, eating lunch with mother queen." She shrugs with a smirk on her face. I puff my cheeks but she doesn't take any of it.

"But...Mother Queen..." I try to find words to defend myself but Seulgi pulls me with her.

"You are coming with me, Chan let's go!" She drags me with Chan quickly following behind.

We reach the doors and Seulgi barges in without even thinking twice.
"Greetings Your great highnesses." I quickly greet them.

Yeosang sits on a chair in a royal blue hanbok, his light brown hair neatly pulled back with a little puff and his locks near the ear neatly placed.

'He looks so beautiful.'

Falling in love with him was a regret because everytime I looked at him, my mind would wander off on his looks. Sometimes even when he is talking, I won't pay attention. It is a forbidden love I must say so, I always throw these feelings back and shove them.

Seulgi pulls me right behind her and we all stand beside the table they were eating on and Ma Yi smiles as she sees all of us.

"Would you look at that, the whole family is complete. His highness and I was just talking about a meal together." Ma Yi says and I lower my head because it's not my place to stand.

"Yes Mother queen! We all should have a dinner tonight, how about that?" Seulgi cheerfully says and I mentally thank her for forgetting what we came for.

"Sure, Advisor Kim can join too!" Ma Yi cheerfully says and my eyes shoot up to meet hers in shock.

"My apology Her highness but I would reject... I would disturb you all." I try to reason out but, none of them seem to take it.

"I have no problem with her joining." Chan says and I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed. Being an advisor was a wrong decision of my whole life, should've layed low...

I start fake crying in my mind when a smooth yet deep voice snaps me out.

"We all would like you to come, please." I look at him and he seem to smile so cutely.

His angelic smile always catching me off guard.

I contemplate for a while but then shyly nod.

"Now that this problem is solved," Seulgi begins and on instinct me and Chan both turn to her in horror.

"Hm? You came for another reason?" Ma Yi says, her smile never faltering. Seulgi nods and Ma Yi indicates her to continue.

"His great highness, (Y/n) has something to say!" Seulgi cheerfully says and I gulp.

'God...I'll see you soon.'

Yeosang quickly nods. I'm screwed. I glare at Seulgi but, she just smiles and then Chan nudges me from the back.

"We should be happy that Lady Park have been arranged for an engagement with the Jung Kingdom's eldest son," I nervously start but all of them listen to me intently. I'm gonna take Seulgi with me above the sky.

"But, there is a problem." Chan speaks as he notices the tension I have and he takes it for me. I let out a sigh.

"And that problem is?" Ma Yi raises her eyebrow, still smiling. Oh God, I hope it doesn't leave.

"She can't be engaged to him." Seulgi blurts out and Ma Yi stares at her in shock.

Suddenly Yeosang bursts out in laughter and all three of us look at him in shock.

"Noona, Nice joke." He wipes his tears, yeah he laughed too hard. But, as soon as he sees our faces he realizes we are serious but, his smile doesn't falter.

"It wasn't arranged by us, Mother queen, Pa Hi, arranged it." Yeosang says as he drinks his cup of water.

"Mother queen, you tell us, What should we do?" Seulgi turns to Ma Yi but she just shakes her head.

"Shouldn't you ask advisor Kim? She is good at it." Ma Yi teasingly says and I gain my confidence back.

"There are only two options. Either we request the youngest Jung who is staying here as our guest to ask his brother to take back the proposal or we destroy the goods before they reach the kingdom." I firmly say and Ma Yi nods in agreement while Yeosang simply smiles.

"I say we destroy the goods, then send a letter to the Jungs saying she has already been engaged to the Kangs and there was a misunderstanding between the Parks, we sincerely apologise." I say and everyone agrees to it.

"Sending a pigeon won't help because anyone can hunt it down and change it. We can't send just anyone to deliver it either so what do we do?" I turn to Yeosang and He shows his palm indicating not to worry.

"We can send Choi San to destroy the goods and we can send commander with two soldiers, how about that?" Yeosang concludes as he looks at me and I nod.

"After that, Please arrange Lady Park's marriage with Sir Kang, I apologize if I'm asking too much." I kneel on the ground, Seulgi and Chan bowing with me to Yeosang.

He flicks my forehead and I groan. I look up at him and he glares at me.

'Take me before he hangs me, God.'

"How many times should I tell you not to kneel in front of me." He straightens his lips and blinks at me.

"This is the first time honestly." I bluntly say and the other three Kangs in the room start laughing.

'The most down to Earth royals.'

Yeosang pouts and I crack a small smile. He nods as an approval and I stand from the ground.

"Thank you, Your great highness." I give him a slight nod and he nods back.

'Even if I can't feel your warmth, I'll always be there to give you mine.'


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