Chapter 17

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'Who you who am I' San...

'Give me answers to endless questions' Yeosang...

'Promise led to the destiny' are they singing?

'Where is the end of our journey?' Jongho's soothing voice...

Where am I?

In this endless maze of nothing.

With no place to escape.

Where are we?

"(Y/n)?" An elderly voice snaps me out and I stand near the shore. The white sand surrounding the waters as if hugging it in warmth.

The Sea.

I think as a figure appears in front of me.

"You won't remember me. I was always there, when you were just a baby." That elderly voice becomes clearer as I see the person in front of me.

He wears a white hanbok. Covering him fully as his face shows how old he is. A smile with no care of anything.

As if the person is not from the world.

"You won't say either even if I ask so I'll say it myself, father." I spoke softly with a smile.

How can I not recognize a face which I crave to see.

"I'm not surprised since you are a prodigy." His voice becomes playful and I nod.

"So, Where are we?" I say as the waves crash onto the shores and pulls itself back again.

"A place where only you can come." His tone turns serious yet sad.

'A place where only I am allowed to?'

"You might not understand. When you'll find yourself and them in the next life, you'll surely know what I mean." He continues and I just stare at him in confusion.

'The doors of truth have been opened.'

Wooyoung's voice.

I gently place my palm on my head and look up to see nothing but the shore.

"Who are they?!" I scream and everything turns black.


I wake up to see myself in Yeosang's arms. Him trying to snuggle into me as I try to recall what happened.

'What was that? Who was it? And what happened in the dream?!'

I was so sure. I was aware of the dream. But the question was...

'What was It?'

"(Y/n)~" Yeosang pulled me closer to him and I got irritated so I pushed him.

I didn't realize how hard I pushed but he fell off the bed with a groan.

"Yah! Wake up and get ready!" I sat on his bed and threw a pillow at his face. He opened his one eye and groaned again.

"Wake up or else I'll call Seulgi!" I warn him and he slowly gets up from the floor.

His appearance catches my eyes.
Hair lazily ruffled and his neck exposed.

'Damn he looks hot.'

He notices my stare and smirks.

"Like what you see?" He whispers in his husky voice and blood rushes to my cheeks.

"I-I am hungry." I try to walk across him but then he pulls me and I fall in his arms.

"Aw~ Is my queen shy?" He moves the hair from my face then holds my cheek.

I smile softly and he pecks me.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

We both stare at each other's loving eyes.

"Ahem." A cough is heard from the door and I peek to see Chan trying to hold his smile and blush.

"I am sorry to interrupt but, Breakfast is ready." Chan says and quickly walks off.

"Way to ruin the moment." Yeosang mumbles and I laugh.

Third Person P.O.V

'I don't wanna loose you or this beautiful laugh.' Yeosang thinks as he stares at his love.

He closes his eyes and a memory passes through.

"Poison her food. Make sure she is dead." Pa Hi's voice echoes through the kitchen.

"Yes, lady." Her faithful servant says and walks off.

Yeosang stands at the corner. Listening to every single word that left their mouths.

"Hey! Let's go!" (Y/n) snaps a finger at him as he comes out of his trance. He looks at her smiling face.

"You look beautiful." He blurts out and she just chuckles.

"You look cute! Now come." She grabs his hands and pulls him out with him following behind.

'Don't be afraid, dreams are everywhere.'

His voice echoes in his mind as he stares at (Y/n)'s cheerful face.

"Hey..." he says and she turns to him, smiling so brightly that even the sun would be ashamed and she might even make the moon shy with her beauty.

"Don't leave me, ever." He says and she looks at him confusion but nods.

"I won't." She says and he smiles.

Suddenly he runs past her and says her to follow him.

'I'm sorry, I won't be there for long.'

His thoughts possess him and so, He exchanges his food tray with hers.

'Maybe not in this life.'


A/n:it is the official end but I'll post an epilogue soon.

As for my readers... people who have read rebels, you'll see a link between this chapter and that book...

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