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I swore I had placed my phone in my backpack. I knew I put it there! But as I was searching through my school bag, it never showed up. The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. "Whatever," I whispered, setting the backpack down on the ground.

The blonde girl in front of me turned around with a grin on her face. "Are you talking to yourself?"

"You know I do that," I said, rolling my eyes. "Charlotte, did you do something with my phone?"

"No," Charlotte said, winking. She turned back around but I couldn't say anything. The teacher walked inside of the room, a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Morning all," Mr. West said, turning toward the blackboard. "If we want to get finished with the math lesson for the day, we need to get started right away."

I grinned, grabbing my math binder. This was one of my favorite classes. Everything about AP Calculus made sense to me, which was saying something. Hardly anything made sense to me.

Soon enough, the class was over. I was disappointed because I was really enjoying the lesson. Standing up, I said, "Charlotte, do you think I have enough time to go get my phone from our dorm?"

"Maybe," Charlotte said, grinning. "Who knows? You're pretty slow.""Rude," I said, rolling my eyes. "I think I'm going to try it."

"Good luck."

"I'll need it." I started rushing back to my room at the boarding school, wanting to have my phone before I made it to my AP Psychology class. Most days, the teacher let the class work alone and allowed us to listen to music. Getting through my second favorite class without music would be hard. Everyone was so quiet, and the silence was so loud that I always listened to music.

The only person who mainly talked in my class was Brennan Orion. He was incredibly smart and quite cute. My heart started racing just thinking about him. He didn't know who I was, though, so nothing was going to happen between us.

I unlocked my door and walked in, seeing my phone in the middle of my bed. A sticky note sat atop it, and I laughed quietly. Of course, Charlotte would leave me a note. I grabbed it but didn't have enough time to check the note. I needed to get to my AP Psych class.

I practically ran from my dorm room, through the twisting halls of Fitzgerald School for the Gifted. I glanced at my watch and a smile worked its way onto my face. I didn't have to rush that much since I had about five minutes to get to class. As I was looking back up, my right arm hit someone. My eyes widened and I looked to the right. A guy with dark hair was looking at me. "I am so sorry," I said quickly. "I didn't see you there."

"It's okay," the guy said, nodding slowly. "You do realize that there's only a minute left until the next class starts, right?"

I frowned and looked back down at my watch. "Oh, my Lord," I whispered. I whipped my head back up and said, "I have to go!"

"I hope you're not late!" the guy called out as I started running away.

I turned around and threw him a smile. "Thanks!" My legs carried me toward the classroom. I slowed down slightly so it wouldn't seem like I was running to get to class. When I entered the classroom, I realized almost everyone was already here. Great. At least I hadn't been late.I slid into my seat, taking a couple of deep breaths. The bell rang, and I slumped in my seat. How could my watch be broken already? Leila and Lillian had sent it to me a couple weeks ago. I fiddled with it while Mr. Oliver spoke about what we were doing in the class.

I spaced out as he explained the assignment for the day. I really didn't have to listen since everything would be on the computer. Quickly, I finished fixing my watch and let out a breath. Now I would for sure be on time to the rest of my classes.

I looked around the classroom to see everyone on their laptops. Nodding slowly, I pulled my phone out to listen to music. I noticed that I had a text, but I didn't click on it. Pulling up my music, I decided to check the text after the song started playing softly.

Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see ❤️

Who is this

Your knight in shining armor

Well, we aren't in the middle ages, so I don't think so

Okay, okay. I'm your number neighbor

Either you're high or - nope, you're high

I'm assuming you don't know what number neighbors are

Bingo! Maybe you aren't high after all

Definitely not high. How don't you know what number neighbors are? Do you live under a rock?

Oh man. You found me. I must leave this rock to find another suitable home!

For real tho. How don't you know what number neighbors are?

I don't spend my free time on social media.

What do you spend your free time doing 😜

I'ma go now

Wait! Don't leave just yet!

I have to do classwork

Can I explain to you what number neighbors are?

Hurry up. I have a long assignment due by the end of class that I want to work on

Your number is one off from mine

That's it? God, what a let down


Goodbye number neighbor. I hope you won't text again

Have fun!! And don't worry. I'll text you again tomorrow 😃

God, please no

God, please yes

Fine. But you better not send another pick-up line


I placed my phone on my desk, frowning. Who was this random stranger texting me? And what was a freaking neighbor number? I knew I should have deleted the random strangers' texts, but I didn't. A strange feeling settled in my stomach, so I thought I should listen to it. Maybe something fun could come out of this.

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