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Oh my gosh, is it really you DP???


I am so sorry, DP. I am such a chicken

You got that right.

You're supposed to make me feel better, not worse

Look, LP. Meeting you was something I was looking forward to for a while. I know you don't know things about me but that's fine. It doesn't stop me from feeling like I've known you forever. And then you go and ditch me? That hurt.

I'm sorry, DP

I know you're sorry.

I sense a but coming

I felt crushed when I realized you wouldn't show up. I wasn't angry nor am I angry now. I'm just disappointed. I'm disappointed that you didn't actually want to meet me.

I do want to meet you!

Then why didn't you show up?

I was terrified. You have no idea what I've been through, DP, that made me this anxiety ridden person

And you have no freaking clue what I went through. At all. Maybe it should stay that way.

What are you talking about?


Where did you go?

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