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My heart was pounding, and I definitely thought I would pass out. Why did I have to ask Brennan out? And why did he have to say yes? I didn't think he was that interested in me, so he shouldn't have said yes. But why did he? Was there a little part of him that actually liked me?

That set my heart racing even more, and I'm not sure I enjoyed it. It wasn't anxiety or any happiness that made it race. I had no idea why it happened. I checked the time yet again on my phone and sighed. It was nearly time for Brennan to show up.

My leg started bobbing up and down. My hand nervously traced the little grooves on the desk in the library. There were old scribbles from students past that had faded over time, so I couldn't tell what they were saying. There was no way I'd ever scratch something into the table because I hated breaking rules.

Brennan should have been here any minute. I couldn't do this. There was no way that I'd go through with this. Maybe he'd spare my feelings and not show up. That would be better than him actually showing up and me embarrassing myself. I brushed a piece of my curly blonde hair out of the way, glancing at the entrance of the library. My heart nearly stopped when someone passed by. I realized it was a girl, and that calmed me down a bit. Hardly anyone would be in here at this time right before dinner. They were probably in their rooms, finishing the last pieces of homework. Here I sat, waiting for someone who might not even show up just to study for a test I was sure I'd pass.

I had to text somebody. My first thought was Charlotte, but she had to stay late after class to take a test. I had no one else to text. All five of my siblings were older than me and had their own lives to attend to, so I was screwed.

I went to my texts and nearly laughed out loud. Of course! I could text the guy who made me do this in the first place.




LP, I was actually worried something bad was happening to you

This is bad! I've changed my mind. I don't really like him that much anymore

It's going to be okay. You don't have to worry so much

That's literally all I do. I'm such a worry wart it's not even funny

Then stop being one.

It's not that simple. That's like telling me to stop breathing. I can't really do that, now can I?

Worrying is useless. It doesn't get you anywhere. LP, you can do this. I believe in you

I hope so because he just walked in the library. Wish me luck

Good luck!

I'll definitely need it

I threw my phone onto the table, but it slid too far. I watched as it fell over the edge of the table, and I sighed. Glancing up at Brennan, I saw that he had a small smile on his face. I leaned over in my chair, trying to grab my phone. However, it was too far away from my fingertips. I wanted to reach it before Brennan got here, so I stood up. Before I could even bend down to grab it, Brennan beat me to it.

"Here you go," he said warmly, handing me my phone.

My face flushed as I grabbed my phone from his hands. My fingers brushed his, and that sent a jolt through me. "Are you ready to study?"

"Yeah," Brennan said, sitting down at the table. He laid his backpack down on the floor next to him and pulled out his psychology binder. "I don't bite, you know."

Moving quickly, I sat down next to him. I barked a laugh and said, "Of course I know that." I grabbed my AP Psychology folder and book, saying, "Where should we start first?"

"Is there anything you need help with?"

I thought about it for a second and shook my head. I looked up at him and saw a frown on his face. "Actually, there is something I do need help with. Can you explain to me . . ." I glanced down at my open book and blurted the first word I saw. "Can you explain to me the dendrites?"

"Of course," he said, nodding. Grabbing my pencil and notebook, I started writing what he was saying. "Dendrites are a short branched extension of a nerve cell. They transmit the impulses received from other cells at the synapses to the cell body."

I knew that. Of course I knew that. So, why was I asking him for help? To hang out with him? He's going to think he helped me when I knew everything beforehand. I found myself saying, "Thanks. I think I understand them now."

We worked in amiable silence, only speaking when we didn't understand something. I wrote everything down since Mr. Oliver allowed us to use our notes on the test. "Luna, can I ask you something?"

I stopped what I was doing and turned his way. Hope coursed through my veins as he stared at me with his beautiful eyes. "Sure."

"You're pretty smart in math, right?" I nodded, cursing myself for thinking he'd ask me out on a real date. Why had I allowed myself that little bit of hope? "Do you think you can help me with my math homework sometime?"

"Um, yeah, I guess," I said, my heart crashing into the pit of my stomach.. "What do you need help with?"

"Nearly everything," Brennan said, laughing. His laugh didn't send shivers down my spine, though. "I don't know why I decided to take AP Calculus, but now I'm regretting it."

"I love math, so I can help you."

"I'm learning something new about you everyday," Brennan said, grinning. "You're a mystery, Luna."

"Really?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "I thought I was predictable and everyone knew that I love math and psychology."

"I didn't."

I grinned, looking back down at my notebook. Maybe - just maybe - this thing with Brennan would work out. 

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