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So, why Luna?

Why Luna what?

Why did your parents name you Luna?

Ohhhh lol. My dad's side of the family are Hispanic (I don't look like them at all) and his grandmother was named Luna so they named me after her


Why were you named Drake? And what was your brother and cousin's name?

I actually have no clue. My parents never told me, at least not yet. I'll have to ask them. My brother's name was Jasper, and my cousin's name was Ryan

Those are nice names


Barefoot, dancing in the moonlight

. . . what?

Don't care where I'm at

Well, that's reassuring

Wherever you are is right

I'm confused, Luna. What are you doing?

God, you have a thick skull

Are you doing a lyric prank?

Yup. It took you awhile lol

Sorry. I'm pretty exhausted


I didn't sleep very well last night



Where are you?

Sorry about that. Charlotte was wondering if Paul was here

Oh. So that's where she is? She was gone when I got back from class

Yup. I chatted with her for a couple of minutes before she left. She told me she was heading back to your dorm now


Yeah. So, what song was that?


What song did you send the lyrics to?

Ohhhhh lol

You have a thick skull, Luna

Sorry lol. It was Dancing by COMP. I listen to all of their songs but this one is my favorite. I think it may be the only song that isn't about a breakup lol

Nice lol. I'll have to listen to it sometime

You better! It's a really great song :)

Okay, okay. I will lol

That's very reassuring lol. Hey, we should make a playlist together

What do you mean?

We could share a playlist on Spotify or something where we compile all our favorite songs on so we both can listen to them

Hm, that sounds like a good idea. That way I can open my horizons to new music

That's the spirit! Ooh, I'm excited now. Let's meet up so we can start the playlist

Yes, ma'am 👍

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