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If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?

Aw, you made me blush ❤️

That's the point of pick up lines, Luna. I'd hope you would blush

Well, you achieved it. Good job

Just so you know, I slept like a freaking baby the other night

Really? I did too tbh lol

Your bed is sooooooooo comfy😍

Wow. I thought you were going to say something about me

That was nice too

Just nice?

You want the truth?


That was the best part of the whole night. I've never really been held before so it was nice

Yay 😀 It was my pleasure

I could get used to holding you like that, Luna

Me too. I want you to get better first, though

I'm trying! I just . . . I want to be better for you. Not for me, but for you. You've been the light in my darkness and for that I'm forever thankful

I just continued talking to you. That's it

But you could have quit.

I thought about it, lol. I thought you were super weird at the beginning. Now, I find it charming

Good. I am very charming

Hey, are you going to graduation?

Nah. My siblings probably won't come so there's no point

I want you to go! Your parents probably will go!

I don't feel like it, Drake. I'm not a fan of huge crowds and I'm afraid I'll trip and die on stage

You won't die if you trip and fall on stage

Yeah, I will. It will be my social death

Come on, Luna. You have to go to your graduation

No, I don't. It's my decision anyway

What if I convince your siblings to come?

They won't

Sure. I'm a very good convincer

You don't even have their numbers, Drake. And no, I'm not giving them to you

You are going to graduation, no matter what. I will literally come to your dorm and pick you up and take you to graduation myself if I have to

Drake, please. I don't want to go

Make me a deal

First, let me hear the details

If I can get your siblings to come a couple days before graduation and show up to graduation, you ARE going to graduation. If they don't show up, then you DON'T have to go to graduation

Deal. I know you can't get my siblings to come

They will. You better find an outfit for graduation because I will succeed

Fine but I know you will not succeed

Yes I will!


The Risk Of Falling (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now