35 7 3

You are the reason even Santa has a naughty list.

DP, I'm not in the mood for your silly pickup lines.

Are you okay? Because you didn't answer my texts the other day

I'm fine.

How was your date?


That was sarcasm

You're doing better at picking it up.

So, was your date awful?

No. It was really good, or so I thought. We studied some and then I told him how I felt about him. He immediately rejected me but stayed anyway to study some more.

Why would he reject you?

Because I'm never good enough for a guy. I'm usually too quiet or too weird for them. Guys don't stick around longer than a month

LP, you are an amazing girl. I've been talking to you for over a month, so I don't get why guys can't see that

Thanks DP, but I've come to realize that maybe guys are right. I'm just too shy or weird or just plain ugly

Hey! Don't have a pity party without me


You're not the only one who gets rejected because they are weird or shy or just plain ugly

What are you saying

The last girl I asked out rejected me because I wasn't her type

That's what Brennan said


The guy I invited to study with and got rejected by

I know a Brennan


Yeah. He recently went to the library for a study session

No way. What if it is the same Brennan?

What was his last name?


Oh my God. That's the Brennan I know

No way

Yes way. Do you think we go to the same boarding school?

We have to. Wait. Is my friend dating your roommate?

Oh my God

That could be possible

How didn't we know this before? Tho, I don't know anyone who's initials are DP

I don't know. I also don't know someone with LP as their initials. My mind is blown

Mine is too. We could see each other and not know who it is!

At least it makes it easier to meet each other. And LP, don't let Brennan get you down. He's a douche and a player that doesn't deserve you

Thanks DP. And that girl that rejected you probably would go for a guy like Brennan. You're too good for her

Aw, that's sweet, LP. Don't be too sad. Please. I know how sadness can overtake your life but don't let it. It's just a boy anyway

A really cute boy

Fine. He's just a really cute boy that's a butt for not realizing how special you are

Aw, you made me blush. Thanks DP

❤️ I hope you have a great day, LP

Thanks. You too, DP ❤️

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