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I checked my bag one more time before shoving it into the trunk of my car. I was glad that the school changed the rules on whether or not the seniors could bring their cars. They used to not allow any students to bring their cars, but we could now. Especially since they allowed the upperclassmen time off of campus. This year, I hadn't been off campus a lot. It didn't matter, though, since I was going home for Christmas break.

Snow was falling down slowly, and I hoped that it wouldn't snow harder when I left. I quickly run inside the building, going back to my room. I wanted to say goodbye to Charlotte and Paul before leaving. Hurrying to my room, I noticed that there was hardly anyone here. They probably went home already.

I threw open my door and yelled, "Char! I'm here to say goodbye!" She was sitting on her bed, her back toward me. "Charlotte." I walked into the room and saw Paul hugging her. "Oh, I'm interrupting something, aren't I?"

"Glad you figured that out yourself," Charlotte said, laughing. She pulled away from Paul, standing up. She threw her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. "I'm going to miss you!"

"I'll only be gone for two weeks," I said, chuckling. I saw Paul grinning from behind Charlotte, so I said, "Paul, get your girlfriend under control."

"No thanks." He walked over to Charlotte and me and wrapped us up in another hug. "Isn't this much better?"

"How did I get stuck with you two?"

"You love us!" Charlotte sang in my ear. "We are the bestest friends in the world, Luna. You can't change it."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Okay, guys. You can let go of me. You both know how I don't like hugs that much."

"Who doesn't like hugs?" Paul said, letting go of me.

"Me," I said, locking eyes with Charlotte. We had agreed not to tell Paul about my ex when they first started dating, and now didn't feel like a good time to tell him. "I make an exception for Charlotte and my family."

Paul pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked like a cute little child when he did that. "Can you make an exception for me? I am Charlotte's boyfriend, after all."

I sighed, shrugging. "I don't know, Paul."

He got on his knees, clasping his hands together. "Please?"

Charlotte nudged me, making me laugh. "I'll have to think about it."

Paul stood up, grinning. "I knew that'd work on you. It works on Charlotte all the time." He pulls her close to him, saying, "No one can resist my puppy dog face."

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes. I glanced down at my phone to check the time. "Okay, guys. I have to get going. My parents expect me to be home by noon at the latest."

"You live in a couple towns over, don't you?" Paul asked. I nodded. "Sweet. I've been there a couple of times, and it's a nice town."

Charlotte gave me one last hug. "Be safe, Luna. Text me when you make it home."

"Got it." I pulled away from the hug, smiling. "Have fun at home!" She smiled, but I noticed it didn't quite reach her eyes. I turned toward Paul, saying, "I hope you have fun at home, too."

"Thanks." Paul grinned. "We'll see you in two weeks."

"Bye, guys!" I said, waving.

"Bye!" Charlotte yelled as I stepped through the door.

My good mood had suddenly disappeared. I didn't want to go home. I jingled my keys in my pocket, frowning. It'll only be me and my parents, so why was I dreading heading home? Maybe it was because I wasn't going to be physically near DP or Charlotte. Wait, what? Why would I want to be physically near DP? I mean, we do go to the same school but otherwise, I really don't know who he is. I mean, I guess I've met him before, but I didn't know it was him. I shouldn't be thinking about him, anyway. We had a huge fight, and he doesn't want to know me.

I unlocked my car, sliding into the driver's seat. I sat there for a second, thinking. What was the real reason why I didn't want to go home? Was it that I thought that my siblings hated me since they won't be coming home? Or was it something else?

I sighed and turned my car on. A song blasted through the speakers, startling me. I reached out and turned the dial down. The song was actually pretty good from the radio station Charlotte always listened to, so I turned the volume back up. I got the directions up but didn't connect my phone yet. I wanted to finish the song first.

I pulled out of the school parking lot. It felt weird being in my car again after such a long time. I hoped that I wouldn't get in an accident because of how long it's been. I pulled out onto the main road and picked up speed. My phone connected to the car, immediately pulling the directions home. The automated voice spoke, but I wasn't really listening. I knew how to get home; I just liked having the directions as backup in case I forgot. The scenery flashed by my window but I wasn't paying attention. I relaxed in my seat, knowing that this drive was going to be long. Maybe it'd help me sort my feelings out.  

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