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Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart.

I'll call the cops then

Come on LP. You have to admit that one was sweet

Fine. It was a little sweet

Yes! I'm cracking your hard outer shell! Then we'll find out what's on the inside

That was weird. Don't say that again

You can't tell me what to do! I'm my own man! I can do whatever I want!

God, you're weird

Glad to see you're better. Hey, last time I asked this, you declined. I hope you say yes now

You're scaring me

No need to be afraid. Do you want to play 20 questions?

I guess. I have nothing else better to do. You start

First, does it have to be 20 questions we ask? Or can we ask less or more?

Idk. I've never played it in my life

Really? Tbh, me either lol. It's a first for both of us! How special ❤️

Yeah, how special

🙄 Come on, LP. Stop being the sarcastic queen

I can never stop! It's who I am!

Anyway, let's begin. Question one: what is your favorite color?

Oh no, not this question!!!

LP, what did I tell you?

No more sarcasm

Can you please stop? I actually want to play this game with you

Wow. Uh, yeah I'll stop. You've never been this touchy before though. Is everything okay?

You get to ask a question after you answer mine!

Fine. My favorite color is maroon. Close second is blue. So, is everything okay?

Not really. I don't want to talk about it tho

Isn't that the point of this game? To talk about ourselves?

Yeah but this thing is really personal. Hardly anyone knows it and I want it to stay that way. At least, for now

Okay. I won't push again.

Thanks LP. Next question. What's your middle name?

Kaitlynn. What's your middle name?

Beckett. Favorite word?

Does it have to be in English?


Siempre. It means always in Spanish

Nice. I'm taking Spanish right now but I don't really like it that much

Oh, I love it! It is one of my favorite classes. It just comes so naturally to me

Yeah, I get it

Okay, next question. Favorite place in the world?

Home. Favorite childhood memory?

Going to the zoo with my older siblings. Mom and Dad were out of town for something and all of us decided to go to the zoo. Just so you know, I'm the youngest of six. Yeah, my parents were crazy. Anyway, onto the story. We were at the zoo and my older sister Leila had many plates and drinks in her hands. We were just about to eat and it was windy. The wind blew so hard that the drinks spilled all over her and the plates smashed into her face. My three brothers knew how angry Leila could get so they hid behind trees, laughing, while my other sister and I tried to calm her down. We went home shortly after that. Okay, story time over. How many siblings do you have?

None. It's just me. What are your siblings' names?

Oh, I'm sorry. In age order, it is Matthew, Leila, Micah, Lillian, and Myles. I'm the baby. I wasn't planned since I'm much younger than my siblings lol

I'm sensing a trend here

Yeah. Mom and Dad got creative. My siblings and I used to be so close but ever since my grandparents died, we just drifted apart

I bet you miss them

So, so bad. I don't even remember the last time we were all together

Maybe you should contact them and meet up sometime

I don't know. They have their own lives. They don't need silly old me in it

LP, listen to yourself. Why wouldn't they want their baby sister in their lives?

You don't understand. I was really mean when I was younger. I said things that I regret and I know I hurt them. Why would they want me?

Because you've changed! You aren't as mean.

You don't know that, DP. You didn't know me then

But I know you now. You are an awesome girl (hey, this is giving me vibes of when I cheered you up after that butthead rejected you)

It's getting late, DP. I think I'm going to read some before I go to bed

Okay. Have fun and sleep tight

Thanks. You too

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