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They fall

What are you doing

They fly

? Who falls? Who flys?

They soar through the sky

This is getting weird

They heard my call

!!! Are you sending me the lyrics to Call by Total Warning???

God, took you long enough. I thought I'd have to go through the whole song to see if you'd get it

Do you like Total Warning now? Because I love them!!! They are my favorite band!!

Wow, I've never seen you this excited. I watched a couple episodes of Battle of the Bands and they're actually a pretty good band. Then I watched Long Story Short: The Total Warning Experience and let me tell you, they have some dedicated fans

I actually haven't seen that yet

Really? Maybe we could watch it together sometime

I'd like that. Anyway, did you listen to their music?

The band is pretty good. My favorite song is Stains lol

Nice. Mine is Stay Awhile

That one is up there on my favorites list too! It's such a sweet and romantic song

Right? I just love them 🥰

Hey, have you seen Atlas yet? I know that has one of the Total Warning boys in it

Not yet, why?

We could binge it together!

In person?

That'd be nice.

Maybe after a while. I still like not really knowing who you are

Why? So you could tell your friends that you are talking to a mysterious hunk?

Did you just call yourself a hunk?

Yeah, not my proudest moment

Haha. No, I just like the air of mystery associated with you

That was a good explanation, LP. How long are we going to do this, though? I really want to meet you

Idk tbh. We'll just continue doing this and when the times right, we'll know

Okay. I hope it's soon tho

The Risk Of Falling (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now