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The small light from my lamp shone on my homework. I kept trying to do it, but Charlotte kept interrupting me. "Are you sure you want to do homework?" Charlotte asked from behind me.

"Very sure," I said, laughing. "You can go out with Paul all by yourself. You deserve it."

"But I like hanging out with both of you!"

"Paul probably doesn't like hanging out with me that much," I said, rolling my eyes. I stood up, stretching. "Especially when he's with you. Go out and have fun, Char. I don't mind."

Before Charlotte could say anything, a knock on the door penetrated our friendly bantering. "You get it," Charlotte immediately said, an easy smile on her face. She sat down in the seat at my desk, winking. "You are already standing anyway."

"Rude," I said. I walked over to the door and placed my hand on the cool metal. A bad feeling settled in my stomach, but I brushed it away. I opened the door, and my breath was knocked out of my body as if I were punched. It sure felt like I was punched as I stared up at the face I never wanted to see again.

"Hey, Luna," the male said, a grin on his face. "I'm back."

"Wes? Why are you here?" I asked, frowning. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Charlotte told you to leave a couple days ago."

"I know, but I just couldn't stay away," Wes said, brushing his brown hair out of his face. It had grown out since the last time I saw him. He looked good. "I'm still in love with you, Luna."

"Nope. No way," I said, firmly shaking my head. Even if he looked like that, I would never take him back. "I will not fall for that."

Wes looked taken aback, and his smile faltered. "What do you mean no?"

"I mean no," I said, growing angry. "You think you can just show up and whisk me away just like that?" Wes nodded slightly. He was so naive. "Never in a million years, Wes. I'm sorry, but I don't want you back."

Wes' face turned sour, and he growled, "Luna, what don't you get about me still loving you? I will not leave until you say you love me too."

"Char, call the police," I said, still staring forward at Wes. His once handsome face morphed into a monster. My heart thundered in my chest, but I stood tall. "Wes, you need to leave. Right now. You do not want to go to jail for harassing me."



"Luna," Charlotte said from behind me. "The police are on their way."


"Is she for real?" I nodded. "This won't be the last time you see me, Luna Paige."

I slammed the door in his face and locked it. I turned around and leaned against it, sighing in relief. "Are the police actually on their way?"

"No," Charlotte said, standing up. She pulled her blonde hair out of her face and walked over to me. Charlotte placed her hands on my shoulders and said, "Are you okay?"

"No." I sighed and hugged Charlotte close. I realized I was shaking as she held me steady. "I'm not okay. He can't just come in here and ruin my life all over again, Char."

"We could talk to campus security to see what they would do," Charlotte suggested.

"Maybe." I sighed again and pulled away from the hug. "And just because Wes showed up again doesn't mean that you can ditch Paul."

"I think having my best friend's abusive ex-boyfriend coming once again is more important than hanging out with my boyfriend. Paul would understand."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Go, Charlotte. I know you've been wanting to spend time with him anyway, since your mom was rude and all."

"Fine," she said, sighing. "But I'll be back soon. Then we can watch a movie."

"What an amazing idea," I said, shooing her out the door. "Have fun, Charlotte."

"Thanks." I shut the door behind her, leaning against it. Things kept going downhill, and I'm not sure if I was ready for the ride.

Walking back over to my desk, I grabbed my sweater. I slipped it over my head, sitting down in the seat. My homework needed to be done, no matter what. The math was beckoning me to solve the equations, but I just couldn't do them. My mind kept wandering to Wes.

No, I shouldn't be thinking about him. There was no reason to. He wouldn't come back again. Hopefully.

The math was easy to solve, and I was done with it quickly. That meant I had no more homework to distract me from Wes. God, why was I so good at math?

I shut my math book and set the homework on top of it, sliding it to the side. I saw my phone sitting on my bed, so I reached over to grab it. There was something I needed to do on social media.

Back when I broke up with Wes, I blocked him on everything. Now, I needed to unblock him to check something out. His account popped up, so I quickly unblocked him. Before I could do anything, my phone was lit up with so many texts that it momentarily froze. They were all from him, begging me to take him back.

I ignored the texts and scrolled through his pictures. They were mainly about him, but he still had pictures of us up. My heart ached from looking at our pictures together, but I knew it was better for me to not be with him. He hurt me, and I didn't deserve him. I deserved so much better.

There was nothing there that gave me a reason as to why he was coming back for me. Maybe he said something in his texts. I clicked on them and shook my head when I saw the amount he sent. "My Lord," I whispered, my finger swiping through the hundreds of texts he sent over the past year. All he kept saying was that he wanted me back, and that he was a good guy, and how he messed up. Whatever. If that's the only reason why he came back, then he was sorely mistaken. There was no way I'd crawl back to him. I blocked him again, and angrily set my phone down. Why couldn't Wes realize that I was done with him? There was nothing I wanted from him anymore. 

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