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I'm super excited to meet you!!!

I'm nervous


What if you don't like me in person?

Come on. Who wouldn't like you? You're funny, sarcastic, blunt, etc

Some of those aren't good qualities, DP

To me they are!

Stop lying.

I'm not

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not

Anyway, what are you wearing?


So I can find you. Duh

Ohhh yeah. I'm wearing a dark grey hoodie and light jeans. Also, my hair is black

Okay. My hair is blonde and curly. I'm wearing a light grey t-shirt

Nice. No pants?

I would not go out without pants. They are black.

Sweet. I'm going to head over there now since it's getting close to noon

Okay. I'll meet you there soon. I have to . . . finish getting ready

Why aren't you ready yet???? It's eleven thirty!!!

I'm nervous, DP!

You could have just said that and not lie.

I'm sorry. I just . . . I don't want to make a bad impression

Come on. We've been talking for weeks - months even - and you've never made a bad impression

Mhmm. Sure. I had to have made a bad impression on you sometime during these months

Okay, maybe the first day you were a little mean but you grew on me!

See, you didn't like me in the beginning. No one does

Okay, stop your little pity party. You're just nervous. I am too! You're the first person I've really opened up to in years. I really, really want to meet you

You're right. Of course you're right. I'm just overreacting. God, I'm so weird. Now you probably don't want to meet me

You've never acted like this before. How nervous are you?

My hands are sweaty and I kinda feel like I might faint

Woah, woah, calm down. You don't need to be that nervous. I'm just me, LP. You don't need to worry about making a good impression or anything like that. I already like you for you. You should know that

I don't know why I'm so nervous. I just . . . God, I'm so weird you probably don't want to meet me



Listen to me. I still want to meet you, no matter what you do. Dude, you're a Slytherin and I'll still meet you even though you are inherently evil

Hey! Don't insult my Hogwarts house!

There's the LP that I know and love

You love me?

It's just an expression lol

Oh. Duh.

But if you want it to be true, then sure

No, I don't want it to be true. You were rude

Ouch lol. I'm here at Coffee Grounds. Have you left yet?

I took a deep breath, heading towards Coffee Grounds. My heart hammered against my chest at the thought of finally meeting him. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous. It was just one boy who was slightly weird. That was all.

Glancing down at my phone, a smile made its way onto my face. DP had texted me again. My nerves settled down slightly as I read the text. I could do this.

I'm on my way now. You don't need to rush me

I'm sorry, LP. Soooo, where are you?

I'm almost there, DP. You must be excited to see me

Super duper excited. You have no idea

Wow. You might be as excited as I am nervous

Oh yeah. What kind of coffee do you like? I'll buy you a cup since I'm here already

Do they have iced coffees?

Of course they do. Is that what you want?

Yes please. I'll pay you for it when I get there

No, this is on me.

Oh, what a gentleman ❤️

That's how I was raised 😃

I think I might see you

What? Where are you?

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the dark haired boy in the same exact outfit that DP described set his phone down and looked around excitedly. He had the largest smile on his face. Guilt raced through me as I quickly hid behind a garbage can, shaking my head. What was I doing? Why was I meeting a random guy that I may or may not like?

I recognized him. He was the kid who told me I was going to be late. Oh my Lord, he's the one I've been texting this whole time? I gasped when I realized who he really was. Of course! How could I forget? He was Paul's roommate. How couldn't I get it before?

Before I could change my mind, I jumped up and ran away from DP. I couldn't handle this right now.

The Risk Of Falling (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now