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I want to meet up with you

I want to talk about my brother and cousin with you

I want to get better

Really???? I'm so proud of you!

I'm tired of living life depressed. I guess I've known for a while that I needed to get better but it took you to show me that there is more to life

Sometimes it takes a little pushing lol. Not that I wanted to push you tho

Is Charlotte gone? I want to go to your dorm so people don't see me sob

Yeah, sure. Thankfully, Charlotte just left

I'm coming now

Do you know how to get to my dorm?

Yeah. I've had to walk Charlotte home once when Paul got sick.


Are you here already?

No, I just left. Who's at your door?


Luna, where are you?

You need to come quick.

Wait, why?

The phone shook in my trembling hands as I quickly called Drake. "Where are you?" I whispered as I crouched next to the dresser.

"I'm nearing the commons area," Drake said, and I could hear how confused he was. "What's the matter, Luna?"

"My ex is here," I said and shuddered when there was a thud on the door.

"What?" Drake asked. "I thought he didn't live here."

"He doesn't," I said, sighing. "I didn't think he'd come back this soon." There was another thud on the door, and this time, I knew Wes punched the door.

"What was that? And what do you mean this soon?"

"He's angry because I didn't let him in. He also showed up a couple of days ago, wanting me back."

"Of course you wouldn't let him in! He's your ex."

"There's more to it than that," I said. "He isn't a good guy. When we first started dating, I thought he was the best boyfriend. He wasn't. He had anger issues. Big time. The first time he almost hit me was when I didn't want to see the movie he wanted to see. It just escalated from there. He only hit me once, thank God, but after that, I broke up with him. I don't know how he found me." Drake was silent on the other end. After a while, I could hear his labored breathing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm running," he said, breathing hard.

"What? Why?" I asked. The door shuddered underneath Wes' weight, and my heart tightened.

"I don't want you to get hurt," Drake said quietly. "He's hit you before, right?"


"What's stopping him now?"

"Good point." I sighed and asked, "Where are you?"

"Nearing the dorms," Drake said, his breathing labored. "Don't worry, Luna. I'm almost there."

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