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If beauty were time, you'd be eternity

That one's actually pretty sweet

See? I told you! You started liking the pick-up lines!

I didn't say that I liked it. All I said was that it was cute. That's it, DP

Mhmm sure.



Can I ask you a question?



I was joking, silly. Go ahead, ask your question

Okay. Um, this is kind of awkward but oh well. I'm trying to ask this guy out, but I don't know what to do or what to ask him. Since you're a guy, do you think you could help me?

Yeah, totally. What are his interests?

He's really smart and does all his work. We have AP Psychology together, and he always answers the questions the teacher asks. He's soooo cute, and I get so flustered when I'm around him

Why don't you two study for an upcoming test at the library and then you can tell him how you feel

That's a really good idea, tbh. And if it doesn't work out, at least I'll have learned something

That's the spirit! Are you going to major in psychology when you're going to college?

Yup. I'll probably minor in math. I know. I'm a geek

You kinda are lol

What are you going to major in and minor in?

Majoring in law. Minoring in business



That's not what I expected you to be majoring in. You don't give me the vibes of someone who will practice law

What do you mean?

You're not uptight like other law majors I know

You know other law majors?

My ex was one

Uh oh. I sense a bad story with this

Most definitely. I really don't want to talk about it though. It was a messy breakup and it wasn't that long ago either

I get it. My first breakup was super messy

I wish it wasn't because I actually really liked him

Me too . . .

It's getting late. Goodnight DP

Goodnight LP

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