-8- A Thing

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Hannah "Birdie" Morrison

I intercept a pass between Mack and Z, breaking to the three point line as fast as I can. As soon as my feet cross the invisible line on the concrete, I'm back over. Mack's caught on, blocking me at every turn.

"Get open!" I shout.

I back up, the ball smacking against the pavement rhythmically. I realize I'm on my own, taking a step to the right before I whip the ball behind me and go charging left. Going in for a lay up, I leap in the air, hand outstretched, ball at the tip of my fingers as I watch the ball roll into the net.

I land, crashing into Ty as he shouts in celebration at the fact that we just won the game.

"Well shit." Drew breathes heavily beside me, hands on his hips. "I'm glad we all play for the same team."

I laugh, putting some distance between Ty and I until he swings his arm around my shoulders drawing me back in.

"Thanks for coming out today." Ty tells Drew. "Without Ian we're down a guy."

"Fuck that kid anyway." Drew waves it off. "Besides I clearly need to step up my game. I can't keep up."

"Well we did make you guard Holt." I say in his defensive.

He laughs, nodding his head. I watch a bead of sweat drip off the end of his blond hair that's a mess on top of his head.

"Yeah, he's crazy huh?" Drew says with admiration in his voice as we all look over at where Holt's still shooting baskets.

He missed a similar shot during the game. He's sinking them now, eyebrows knit, laser focused.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Drew asks Ty, bringing our attention back.

I take that as my chance to slip out of Ty's arm, leaving them to talk as I walk to Holt. He lines up a shot, squares off his shoulders. His knees bend slightly, the weight of the ball in his right hand before he springs up sending the ball arching perfectly into the net.

"I think you got it down." I tell him, catching the ball as it falls through the net.

"Yeah, I uh..." he mumbles, looking off as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I think you gave Drew a run for his money."

I look back at where I left Drew and Ty, both of them turning their heads as soon as we make eye contact.

"He's good." Holt says.

I walk to the bench on the side of the court, shrugging my coat on to fight off the chill that's soon to set in. Holt follows, sitting down next to me once he's zipped his coat up.

"Told you he'd come if you asked." I tell Holt, smiling as my mind recounts having to basically force him to ask Drew.

I've never actually played ball with Drew. He never came to the park, always too busy with the "trifecta" and being popular, I'd guess. That and I'm not sure if Drew loves basketball like some of us. Like if we don't play, our whole existence seems a little meaningless.

I first thought of asking Drew to come play because he's a pretty versatile player, not exceptional in any one position but good at them all. He's tall, lean and quick, a nice counter part to Z who's just big all around. But I've also noticed that Drew and Holt seem to be friends. And not the sort of friends Drew is with me and the rest of the guys. I've seen Drew seek Holt out, something he doesn't do to the rest of. Whether Holt realizes that I'm not sure.

But I knew Drew would say yes if the invitation came from Holt. And he didn't let me down.


I climb out of Ty's car, the temperature has dropped significantly in the past couple hours. It's 5:30 and already dark, probably one of my least favorite things about the winter.

"Thanks for the ride."

I'm just about to slam the door shut when he says my name. Leaning back into the open door I say "what's up?".

His eyes meet mine before he looks at his steering wheel, his fingers tapping against the leather bound ring.

"Do you have a thing for Holt?" He asks. "Like are you guys...together?"

"What!?" His question nearly knocks me on my ass. "No why?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "You just seem like you're always with him."

I laugh. "I'm with you if I'm not with him."

Sort of. Ty and I are usually inseparable but I'll admit, I've been trying to shove distance between us ever since he kissed me at that party.

"So we're good then?" He asks.

I nod my head, smiling but it feels forced and I hope he doesn't notice. "Yeah of course."

He doesn't seem convinced and I don't blame him. I'm not convinced either. But I don't know what to do. And I really don't know what I'll do if Ty wants us to be something more than what we are.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I ask trying to prove us both wrong. "I mean, I think it's just my dad so I can't promise more than pizza but it's food."

Ty's car shuts off and I have my answer. "I'm good with pizza."

I close his door and wait for him before we both head into the house. He swings his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side as we walk the short trek up the sidewalk.

I look up at him, at the angles of his face, the way his cheek bones are sharp, his jawline pronounced. I've spent years as friends with Ty, he's familiar and safe but up until now I've never really looked at him. I've never noticed that he's handsome, with a charming smile and kind eyes. I've never noticed the shape of his lips or the dimple in his cheek. Or the fact that his eyes are brown with little specs of bronze in them.

My heart beats in my chest as we reach the front door and the light shines down on him, casting shadows across his face and I hope he hasn't noticed that I've been watching him this whole time. Trying to mask the blush that creeps along my cheeks and warms my face I clear my throat and reach for the door knob. The door swings open with a nudge and I step out from under Ty's arm.

I don't know if I like Ty.

But I know something has shifted.


So I have to tell you I'm really excited for this chapter I wrote later for this book. It has a little cameo from some other characters that I wrote from a different book and well I just can't wait. That's all I'm saying. But get excited because I am and you need to be on my level.

Also as usual I just wish you'd hurry up and catch up with me. I keep having to talk myself out of double updates (which I know you all probably wouldn't complain about) but then I'll run out of chapters to post and daily updates will be no more.

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