-33- I'm Staying

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Luke "Coach Mo" Morrison

I open my mouth to shout my usual greeting but it dies in my throat. I'm still not used to it.

"Ruby!" I call out instead.

It's not Ruby's voice that answers me though, it's her dad's. "Kitchen!"

The man's never liked me. Can't say I ever favored him either.

But with a deep breath I make my way to the kitchen, Ruby's parents lingering about as Ruby sits at the counter. She's breathing in the steam from a cup of tea, her body lost in an oversized sweater that hangs over her shoulders, her wild curls piled on her head and spilling everywhere.

Passing her dad, I place a kiss on her cheek, before I settle into the spot beside her.

"Nice of you to join us Luke." Her dad Caleb says.

I almost ask if it is but I bite back the sarcasm. Whatever the reason Ruby called me here, being a dick to her dad isn't going to help.

"Of course. Liv how are you?" I ask her mom, we always got along better.

"Oh you know, Luke. Just getting older. And fatter." She laughs.

It's true though, her hair color comes from a bottle these days, her face fuller than it ever has been even though she looks like she's still trying to stuff herself into the same clothes.

At one time Liv was beautiful but years of smoking and drinking has left her voice scratchy and her skin like wrinkled leather. Caleb though, he hasn't changed except for his hair has disappeared.

"Still as beautiful as ever." I tell Liv anyway.

"Always the charmer, weren't you?" She cups my face in her hand and all I can smell is cigarettes wafting off her.

"Sit down Liv." Caleb orders.

I glance at Ruby, our eyes connect and without any words passing between us I feel desperation open up inside me.

"So Luke." Caleb starts. "We think Ruby should move home with us. While she's going through treatment."

I'm floored. Momentarily stunned as my eyes dart from Ruby to Caleb and then back again.

"Why?" It's all I'm able to manage at the moment.

"Well for starters she needs her family around while she's still grieving and Liv can help take care of her, take her to appointments and what not." He explains.

I sort of try to hold in the snort of disbelief. "Yeah, no."

"It's not your decision, besides you need to think about what's best for Ruby." He scolds me like the same reckless nineteen year old that knocked up his daughter.

"I am her family!" Anger floods my system and before I can stop myself I'm shouting the words at him from across the table.

"Luke." Ruby says softly beside me.

"So are we son." He barks back. "And just because you don't have a relationship with your parents doesn't mean Ruby doesn't have one with us. And as her parents we want what's best for her and right now that's moving home with us."

"What about Birdie?" I'm a fuse waiting to snap. "You're just going to rip her mom away from her?"

"Hannah is more than welcome to come too." Caleb says.

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