-28- Barry

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Luke "Coach Mo" Morrison

I'm too impatient for the automatic doors to open forcing my way through the small gap that's starting and pushing past a teenaged girl and her dad.

"Barry and Ruby Brooks." I shout at the graying woman behind the desk.

Her features don't change even though I'm a frantic mess as she slowly types on her computer.

"Are you immediate family?" She asks.

"Yes!" I bark at her.

I'm as immediate as it get in my opinion.

She picks up a phone, moving as though my life isn't falling apart, patient eyes staring back at me as she talks to whoever's on the other side. It's a string of "Yes" "I see" "mhmm" as I wait for her to finish. When she hangs up the phone I'm seconds away from ripping the phone from the wall and screaming at the person on the other line.

"They're not allowing visitors back yet, please ta-."

"I'm not a visitor!" I bark at her, anger bursting at my seams.

"I'm going to have to ask you to sit-."

"I'm going back there. Now open the damn doors!"

"Sir if you don't calm dow-."

"Calm down! Let me the.."

"LUKE!" I whirl around at the sound of Ava's voice. "It's okay."

I pull Ava to me, desperate for her to ease some of the desperation that's tearing through me.

"He's with me." She flashes her badge to the woman behind the desk. She lets out a strained sigh, the first flicker of frustration showing before the doors click open. "Thank you."

"What's going on?" I ask as we burst through the doors.

"I don't know anything." She tells me. "I just got out of surgery."

Ava stops at a nurse's station and I take that moment to try Birdie again. She hasn't answered a single one of my calls. I stuff my phone back in pocket just as Ava turns to me.

"Birdie?" She asks.

"Not answering. Have you gotten ahold of Erin?"

"She was with Ryan, he's bringing her." She says. "Ruby's in room 4."

"What about Barry?" Fear escalates inside me.

"I'll find out what I can, go see Ruby." Ava reaches up for a kiss but we completely miss each other's lips not taking the time to correct it.

My body is already carrying me to room four and I burst through the open doorway without knocking. My chest is tight, everything feels like it's teetering on a ledge and I'm terrified with what I might see.

I take the last step that opens up the room, releasing a breath I never realized I was holding.

"Luke." Ruby says my name so desperate and upset.

I go to her, pulling her into my arms as she starts to cry. "I'm here, it's okay."

Her body trembles as I run my hand over her wild curls. There's a spot of dried blood, mingling with the curls at her temple, matting them to her head.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She clutches me tighter. "I'm okay. Have you heard anything about Barry?"

I wonder if she can hear the panic that's still racing through my veins.

"Ava's trying to find out."

"I haven't seen him since they pulled me out of the car." Her voice catches, full of anguish. "He wasn't awake Luke."

I grip her tighter, like maybe I can force all her pieces back together.

"It'll be okay."

A knock raps against the wall, Ava appearing shortly after. Ruby lets me go, wiping at the tears that are streaking her face. Stepping back I make room for the girls to hug each other. It sends Ruby straight into another sob, Ava holding it in like she's still on the clock, patient and understanding and stoic.

When they finally pull apart Ava doesn't waste anytime.

"So according to one of the nurses that was in the room with Barry when you came in said that he was unconscious and they were worried about internal bleeding. She said he's in surgery." Ava says.

"What does that mean?" It all sounds inconclusive to me.

Ava reaches for my hand, her fingers lacing with mine as she speaks to Ruby even though she's not the one that asked the question.

"He's in good hands Ruby."

Ruby's brown eyes meet mine, bloodshot and distraught. I feel it too. He has to make it. I'm not sure I'll be able to stand watching Ruby grieve him on top of her being sick.

"We just have to wait and hope for the best."


I've been out to see Birdie in the waiting room a handful of times, I told her once Ruby wakes up I'll bring her back. I'm sitting in a chair, staring at the tiles on the floor, listening to machines hum, wondering what the hell is happening in my life. Why is everything exploding, when Ruby says my name.

"Any news?" She asks, voice thick and groggy from sleep.

I grab her hand, kissing the back of it as I shake my head no. "Not yet."

"How long have I been asleep for?" She asks.

I check my watch. "Not long. Hour tops."

I can't help but look at her, study all the angles and contours of her face. When I got the call, I thought I was going to show up and be saying goodbye. That I was losing Ruby. That Birdie was losing her. And that grief and hurt is still lingering even if it was premature.

"Birdie's here." I tell Ruby. "I told her I'd bring her back when you were awake. Thought it might be easier on her."

"Go get her." The first smile pulls to Ruby's face and my heart lifts a little at the sight. "Please."

"Do you need anything while I'm out?" I ask her.

She shakes her head no, her eyes eager and bright. As I turn to the leave the room though, a couple doctors appear blocking my exit.

They give me that smile, the one that's sympathetic and pained and I instantly feel nauseous as I turn back to Ruby.

"Mrs. Brooks," One of the doctors says, holding his hand out to shake Ruby's. I stand by her side, arms folded across my chest protectively. "I'm Dr. Draper, I was the lead surgeon on your husband Barry's team." He takes a breath, shoulders slumping a fraction and I reach for Ruby's hand because I'm almost certain I know what's coming. "I'm very sorry to say, we did everything we could.."

Before Ruby even lets out a cry I'm pulling her into my chest, wrapping her up like maybe I can protect her from his words. But then she lets out this horrible sob and I know that I've failed and I feel a piece of my heart break off in my chest.

I can't find any words to console her with. I can't fix it. I can't bring him back.

I didn't keep her safe.


First, I'm sorry this chapter landed on Christmas.

Second, don't hate me.

Third, Merry Christmas! Anyone want to come help me sort toys? Nana went a little extreme with presents this year and I'm drowning.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful day so far!

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