-56- Control

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Luke "Coach Mo" Morrison

"Luke Morrison!" I turn around at the sound of my name. "It's been a long time."

"Brad!" I extend my hand toward him but he goes for a hug. "Glad you could make it."

He lets out a laugh, slapping me on the back as he lets go. "It took me a few weeks but I finally got around to that footage you sent me. Of course I'd make time to see your kid."

He falls into step with me, the two of us heading to my office. I have no doubt that Brad will want Holt as a player. In fact I've already heard some of the other scouts talking, the ones I'm not college buddies with.

"He's something else Brad." I say. "An incredible player. He always bring 200% to the court. Doesn't matter if it's practice or a game."

I hold the door to my office open, letting Brad in first. He takes a seat, spreading out in the chair as he says "why do I feel like that's followed by a but?"

He's caught me and I laugh. "But he's not your typical kid which is why I asked you to meet me early."

He pushes his fingertips together in a pyramid, nodding his head. "And I'm here."

"Right. I just want you to manage your expectations when you actually meet him. He's pretty quiet." I'm trying to figure out the best way to explain Holt without making him seem difficult. He's not difficult. He's the opposite really as long as you know him.

"So what he's shy?" Brad chuckles.

I shake my head. I don't really think Holt is shy. I've watched him put himself out there before, he's been bold enough to ask me some personal questions. Doesn't strike me as shy.

"Not shy. Quiet." I repeat. "And you can't touch him, you might get him to shake your hand, maybe. But don't be offended if he doesn't."


I can see by the look on Brad's face that he thinks I'm making shit up.

"Just trust me. Even if it doesn't seem like it, he's listening. His parents will probably do most of the talking but just treat it like you would anyone else, okay?"

Brad sits forward, plucking a picture of Birdie off my desk. "So he's a problem kid or something? I saw that article in the paper."

That stupid article. I'd finally gotten ahold of Olivia Henderson, ripping into her over the phone before demanding to speak to her higher ups. But the damage has been done.

"No he's not a problem kid."

"Sure sounds like he is Luke." He sets the picture back down, eyes meeting mine. "I just got rid of a problem kid, I don't need another."

"He's had a tougher life than most of us. Just give him a chance and be patient with him." I can't stress my words enough.

"Tougher how?"

My fingers drum along my desk as I try to decide what I should and shouldn't say.

"He's been a foster kid for most his life. He just got a adopted." I explain. "He's a good kid."


The boys filter out of the locker room, the noise on the court enough to burst an ear drum. It's a home game and the boys are amped, they've got their friends and families filling the bleachers ready to chant their names, standing behind them.

I didn't tell the Lincoln's or Holt that Brad is here specifically to see Holt. I'm hoping the element of surprise works in my favor.

There's a high pitch whistle that screams through the air and I see Holt flinch, his steps slowing before Drew throws his arm around his shoulders.

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