-27- This is Perfect

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Hannah "Birdie" Morrison

"Hey lemme see!" I stretch across the backseat of Ty's car to try and snatch Ryan's phone from his hand.

"Hey watch it!"

"Sit back!" Justice yells from beside me, grabbing my sweatshirt and forcing me back down. "Your boy looks like he's about to lose it."

I follow Justice's gaze to Holt who's smashed against the backseat door, jaw clenched and body rigid. He's been a little off since Ian jumped him, well more so than he normally is, not that anyone can blame him. I instantly feel bad.

"Sorry." I whisper to him. "We're almost there."

He nods his head but he doesn't look anymore relieved. I sober up, my original mission of stealing Ryan's phone to see whatever him and Ty were laughing about gone.

Scooting a little closer to Justice, I make eye contact with Ty in the rear view mirror. I want to say I know Ty well but I can't seem to read whatever it is that's in his eyes so I look away, instead staring down at my hands.

The cars gone quiet, just the rattle of the mechanics beneath us to fill the air. Justice found an indoor court at some church open to the public. So with a little bit of planning we all piled into Ty's car to meet the rest of the guys there. I had to do some convincing to get Holt to come.

Ty pulls into a massive parking lot, a large building butts up along the side of it with large windows and bright colors on the doors. It's a weird building, with storage containers as part of its structure, I've never seen a church quite like it but I'm not sure I care as long as we can play ball.

As soon as Ty's car shuts off, Holt spills out of the car his bag in hand. I follow after him, just in case.

"You okay?" I ask just as the cold wind whips past and steals my words.

He nods his head. "Sorry."

I shrug, brushing off his apology. There isn't anything to apologize for. I've come to the conclusion that Holt apologizes for everything. All the time.

"Come on, let's go check this place out." I tell him, heading for the doors with one last glance back.

The boys are still in the car, the doors wide open like it's not freezing cold and snowing out but none of them have made a move to actually get out.

I wait until we're almost to the doors before I ask, "Hey so hows therapy so far?"

Holt's head snaps up to look at me. Maybe other people don't feel as though it's acceptable to ask. Or talk about. But my dad's always been so open about his that I don't see what the big deal is. Who cares? No one freaks out when you ask how their doctor appointment went.

"Okay." He says quietly. "I think."

"You like your therapist?" He nods his head. "What's he like?"

"She." Holt corrects.

I watch him as we walk down a long hallway, closed doors lining the one wall, windows on the other side. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going and I'm guessing Holt doesn't either.

"She wears those shoes, Toms." He tells me. "And we put puzzles together."

I smile, a picture forming in my head of Holt sitting at a table as he puzzles.

"Do you like puzzles?" He shrugs his shoulders telling me he doesn't really know. "My step dad loves puzzles. Like those crazy 3-d ones. One time he did this castle and I swear it took him years to do. When he finally got it finished he just put it back in the box and gave it away." I shake my head at the memory. "Like what was the point?"

We pass a large indoor soccer field, a handful of people on it.

"Watch there's not even going to be a court here." I say, doors leading to outside at the end of the long corridor that's growing nearer.

"In there." Holt points up the hall to a set of doors. "Maybe?"

I pick up my pace, excitement thrumming through me. Every year I'm always bummed once the weather changes and the park isn't a viable option and all I'm left with is practice and games. I want to play basketball all the time.

Sure enough, as I push through the doors, a full size court gleaming under the fluorescent lights lay before me. Glancing over at Holt who's come to stand beside me I beam at him.

"This is awesome."

He gives me the smallest smirk and I take it as an agreement.

The doors pull open behind us, air rushing past sending my hair flying around my face.

"Look who we found in the parking lot." Ty says, dropping my gym bag on the floor beside my feet.

Mack and Anthony come bounding in, Mack a little rambunctious as he pushes into Justice who stumbles into me and I bump Holt.

"Hey! Stop." I scold. "Holt's ribs are fractured."

"What?" Anthony asks, shrugging off his coat. "What happened?"

"Ian." I supply without thinking. My dad said Rhett called him asking for Ian's dad's number on Thanksgiving. I never told Holt that I knew and I glance at him nervously but he's staring at the ground. "And another kid from Paramount jumped him."

"What the hell?" Mack says.

"Are you sure you should play?" Anthony asks.

"Aw man, you should have seen him at our game before thanksgiving." Ty starts. "Paramount was kicking our ass and then Holt got Coach to put him in and he straight up moped the court with them."

"Basically single handedly too." Ryan says.

"Ian was pissed." Justice adds.

"Wait, your ribs were broke during that game?" Mack's voice is a little awestruck.

Holt just nods his head slightly, he still hasn't looked up from his shoes.

"Could have fooled me. I was wondering why Coach wasn't playing you the first half."

They all start talking about the game, giving Anthony all the highlights and I follow Holt to a bench where he's snuck off too.

"Sorry." I apologize as I sit.

"It's okay." His voice is quiet, shoulders sagging as he sneaks a look at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Is everything okay?" I ask him again.

He releases a heavy sigh. For a moment I don't think he's going to say anything but then he looks at me, his brown eyes meeting mine full of emotions I'm still learning to read.

"It's just hard."

I'm not sure what he's talking about and he doesn't elaborate and even though I know touching him could go either way I let my head tip to his shoulder.

He stiffens slightly as I say "it'll get easier" and I hope I'm right.

I watch as the guys slowly make their way to the court, not missing Ty who stares at us longer than normal. It suddenly feels wrong to be sitting beside Holt with my head on his shoulder and I straighten up. Flashing Holt a smile, I switch my shoes out and empty my pockets.

"Alright boys, lets play." I shout, tossing my phone on top of my bag.

I jog out onto the court, accepting a pass from Ty. And just like that all the worries and fears and concerns fade to the background until it's just me, the ball and the game I love. I love days like today.

Today is perfect.


I have a little something in the works for you guys. Short like Drew was.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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