-49- On Purpose

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Kendra Lincoln

Holt, Drew and Blue appear in the living room a few moments after I call for Holt and I watch as Holt hesitates, his eyes landing on Luke.

"Come here, have a seat honey." I smile, hoping that it'll ease some of the fear I see swelling in his eyes.

He looks back at Drew who shrugs his shoulders and plops down next to Luke.

"Hey Mo, you know usually people bring pizza when they crash parties." Drew says.

"Pizza slows you down on the court, is that your problem?" Luke retorts.

Drew snorts. "I can still out run you old man."

They banter as though they are more than just a coach and his player.

"Tough talk." Luke says. "After practice tomorrow, let's see if you're all that or not."

Luke holds his hand out and Drew seals the deal with his.

"Don't forget your inhaler."

Luke laughs, folding his arms back across his chest as Rhett joins us. Holt looks like he's near losing it, Blue's head on his knee whining quietly for his attention.

I wait until everyone is seated, everyone waiting for someone to speak first before I turn to Holt and say "Holt, you're not in trouble and you're safe, okay?"

He's staring at his lap. "Yes ma'am."

"Should I leave?" Drew asks.

I look at Holt, everyone's attention following. "It's up to you Holt."

He shakes his head, his hand finding Blue's head finally and the dog stops whining. "Stay. Please."

Luke clears his throat, he shares a look between Rhett and I before he says "I don't know if you boys saw the article in the County Times but..." he takes a breath. "They mentioned that you were in juvy because of attacking a police officer."

Holt stiffens, his body going still and I watch Blue start nudging his hand. The dog already seems so in tune to Holt and his reactions. It's like the two were meant to be with one another, more so Blue with Holt. The very first night we brought Blue home, I checked in on Holt in the middle of the night when the baby had me awake kicking the snot out of my ribs. Blue was curled up at his side, his head resting across Holt's chest, the two of them peacefully asleep. I've never loved an animal more than I did then.

"They won't obviously reveal their source." Luke says.

"I think my parents know someone high up on the paper. Want me to call them?" Drew asks.

I shake my head. "No sweetheart but thank you." The gesture though warms my heart. "Unfortunately it's public information. Anyone who wants to dig a little will find it."

"Think it was Ian?" Drew asks Luke. "I mean the team knew. And it seems like a fucking dick thing to do and he is one."

"Language Drew." Luke scolds him like a father.

Drew's blue eyes meet mine and he smiles, "Sorry. But you know I'm right."

"Even if it was Ian there's probably no way to prove it yeah?" Rhett joins in.

They start tossing around theories like they moonlight as Sherlock Holmes, so wrapped up in their own thoughts that we almost miss it. Holt's voice comes out so soft, so timid and full of fear.

"I had to."

"You had to what son?" Rhett asks.

He shakes his head, digging his fingers into his hair as he folds over his knees.

"I didn't have a choice."

We all sit on bated breath, waiting for Holt to make sense.

"I-I..." Blue wiggles closer to him but Holt hasn't seemed to register the whining dog. "They were going to send me back." His eyes suddenly lift to mine, frightened and full of tears. "I couldn't...I couldn't go back. I didn't know what else to do."

"It's okay."

His head shakes at my words. "No it's not."

"Everyone makes mistakes son." Rhett tries to console him.

The muscles in Holt's jaw clench. "It wasn't a mistake. I did it on purpose."

"Why?" Drew asks but Luke shoots him a look and he drops his eyes to the floor.

"I knew they'd have to arrest me."

I meet Rhett's eyes, wondering if he can feel how hard my heart is beating.

"Why would you want to be arrested?" Drew once again asks only to have Luke say his name. He shrugs, "Sorry."

Holt's body is starting to shake, his hands fisted in his dark hair as his chest rises and falls quickly. He's starting to panic.

"You're safe Holt." I tell him but he's already starting to mumble pleas of mercy. "It's over now. He can't hurt you."


I'm in the kitchen, putting the last of the dishes away when I hear footsteps on the stairs. They're too quiet to be Rhett's and too loud to be Holt's.

"Drew?" I call, tossing the towel in my hand on the counter and going toward the foyer. "Leaving?"

He smiles, slipping his feet into his shoes. "Yeah, I gotta go get my sister. Thanks for dinner again it was delicious."

"Of course, you're welcome any time."

He slips into his coat, an easy smile on his face like we all didn't just sit through a very intense and emotional conversation earlier.

"Are you okay Drew? I know how..." I can't find the right words to describe it. "I know that may have been difficult..."

Before I can finish he shrugs. "I'm okay."


Once again he smiles at me reassuringly as his head nods but he doesn't make a move to leave, instead shifting on his feet while his eyes drift to the foot of the stairs.

"It was...bad, what happened to him?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah, it was." I've wondered if Holt has told Drew or Birdie, confided in them and I think I just got my answer.

Drew turns back to me. "He'll be okay though?"

I smile, a sad smile because this is a conversation that has to exist. "He will be. I think that he's starting to realize he has people he can trust. And that's huge." I wrap my arms around Drew for a moment before pulling back, my hands still on his arms as I look up at him.  "Thank you for being such a good friend Drew."

He laughs through his nose like he doesn't believe me but he says "yeah no problem."

Letting him go I tell him to drive safe and then he's out the door moments later.

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