-21- Weekend Plans

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Hannah "Birdie" Morrison

I'm waiting for my dad, milling about the gym with my ball. All the guys have already trickled out of the locker room, most waving bye as they left.

I dribble back to the three point line, passing the ball back and forth between my legs as I walk. As I cross the line, I take one more step before I turn around. I've got a pretty solid shot at the three point line, but with that added step my accuracy plummets. It's something I've been working on consistently over the past few weeks.

Squaring off my shoulders, I bend my knees slightly. In order for me to make the shot, I know I'll have to put some spring in my jump. Taking a deep breath, I dribble one more time before I send the ball soaring to the net. It hits the rim, riding along it as I hold my breath for two long rotations before it drops in.

"Nice shot."

I spin, Drew behind me. "Hey, I didn't know you were here still." I say, trying to hide the fact that he definitely just scared the crap out of me.

"Oh yeah." He shifts his bag on his shoulder. "Moving slow I guess."

He flashes his trademark Drew smile. It's charming and relaxed and I can't help but smile back at him.

Dropping his bag to the ground, he walks to my ball that's come to a stop at the side of the court. He passes it back to me and I line up another shot. I'm off, the backboard rattling as the ball smacks into it.

"It's a tough shot." Drew tells me.

"Exactly why I need to get better at it." I say.

He chuckles to himself. "You're a machine girl."

I blush, not exactly sure if it's a compliment or not. He fetches my ball, passing it back to me from across the court. I take the shot again but I can't concentrate as I feel Drew watching me and warmth keeps rushing to my face. My heart pounds but I send the ball off anyway. It hits the rim but doesn't go in.

"So close." Drew says, jogging to the ball. He turns to me about to pass it back when I say "your shot."

I need a minute to recompose myself, flustered at the fact that Drew can make me blush even though I know what kind of guy he is. But it's nearly impossible to ignore the fact that he's good looking and charismatic.

He dribbles the ball around, finding a shot he wants to take and as he does I decide to put the conversation on him, rather than me.

"Any plans this weekend? Big dinner with the family for thanksgiving?" I ask.

He stiffens slightly, shoulders tightening but it goes just as fast as it came and he takes a shot. It slips through the net with ease.

"No, my uh..my parents are out of town." He tells me.

I'm not surprised that they're not home. I am surprised that he's not going to meet them or going to some family's house though.

"What about your sister? You guys going to just do something quiet together?" I pry.

He slowly walks to the ball that's casually bouncing away from him. He doesn't answer me, dribbling the ball slowly by his side, head down and I wonder where charismatic Drew went.

He takes a shot, misses and then passes me the ball before he clears his throat.

"She's going to our grandparents and they're flying to my grandma's sister's place."

I don't miss the sadness that's tugging at the corners of his voice.

"Why aren't you going with them?" I tuck the ball under my arm, giving Drew my full attention.

He smiles slightly, the corner of his mouth twitching upward. "Don't feel like it."

"What're you going to do then?" I ask. "Go to Owen's or Alec's?"

He shrugs. "Nah, Alec has to go to his family across state and..." he rings his neck with his hand, looking away from me. "Owen's got a lot going on."

It doesn't make any sense to me. They're best friends, brothers really. But I don't press the matter because I don't know Owen all that well and I don't know what Owen is going through.

But the idea of Drew sitting alone in his massive house hurts my heart and before I really think it through I say, "you should come to our thanksgiving."

"Nah, that's alright." He says instantly. "I don't want to impose."

I laugh. "Please, you're not. My parents love a full house."

"What about Erin?" He asks. "She probably hates me huh?"

She might have at one point but I think soccer Ryan has cured any lingering dislike.

"She'll be fine." I'm fairly confident.

"You sure?" He looks at me with blue eyes full of hope and even if there was a slight doubt in my invitation, I can't take it back now.

"Very sure." I tell him.

A bright smile lights up his face, the type of smile that makes all the girls swoon and it's easy to see why. I sort of want to also.

"Thanks Birdie." He says. "That'd be cool."

I nod my head, thinking about previous thanksgivings and how we always had someone random at the table. A coworker of Barry's, Ava's friend that was in town, a long lost relative that we never see, some person my dad met that didn't have anywhere to go, my mom..

"Anytime." I tell him. "I don't know if my dad told you.." I start, sadness suddenly present in my soul that I had managed to push aside while my mind was busy. "But my mom has cancer. So things might be a little quieter than normal. Just to give you a heads up."

And true to Drew's nature he takes the information easily, like these kinds of conversations he happens across frequently.

"Oh shit Birdie." He says, crossing the distance between us and wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry."

Tears swell up in my eyes and I let the ball fall from my arms as I hug him back.

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