-57- He's Here

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Kendra Lincoln

I settle into the bench beside Rhett, my hearts thrumming in my chest from the excitement in the gym. I love coming to Holt's games.

Rhett grabs my hand and squeezes it, we both love it.

We share a smile before I turn my focus on the court where our team is spilling out of the locker room, more specifically Holt. Drew throws an arm over Holt's shoulders drawing his attention. Holt lifts his eyes to the stands where we're all sitting. I can't help but wave my hand enthusiastically above my head to help catch his attention.

"Don't embarrass the poor boy." Rhett teases beside me but he's doing the exact same thing I am.

"Oh and you're less embarrassing?" I ask, my heart filling with warmth as I see that small smile of Holt's spread on his face. He points to us, as he looks back at Drew.

"Duh, we play ball together. I'm basically one of the guys now." He explains, laughter in his voice as he does.

I roll my eyes but I love it. I love that they're able to bond over something they both love.

Holt and some of the boys begin to filter out onto the court, shooting baskets as they warm up. I watch Holt, who's laser focused, precise in his form as he makes basket after basket.

"He's incredible." Rhett says.

I don't disagree, watching as he catches a ball, shifting around the net to a new spot. He squares off his shoulders, bending his knees slightly before the ball gets sent arching into the net. The smile on my face drops though as I watch Holt stiffen, his eyes locking on something directly in front of him. He stumbles backward a step and that's enough to have me bolting from my seat.

"Kendra!" Rhett calls as I push myself through the row of people.

"Somethings wrong!" I shout back.

Panic courses through me as I fight my way against the flow of traffic, everyone looking for open spots on the bleachers, huddled in my way. My eyes dart between where I'm trying to walk and Holt who hasn't moved. Slight relief comes when I see Luke there.

"We're about to start the game." A ref steps in front of me. "I need you to step off the court please."

"That's my son!" I shout, pointing at Holt. "He needs me."

"Please go take a seat ma'am."

I'm about to let all of my pregnant hormones loose on this ref. Anger boiling up inside me to the point where my short pregnant self is sizing up the ref like maybe I can take him.

"I'm going to my son, now." I bark at the ref. Hearing Rhett behind me mutter about walking around but that'll take too long. "Get out of my way!"

The ref looks at me slightly bewildered but he doesn't make a move to stop me as I step around him and march on a straight line toward Holt. Drew comes up beside me, a basketball tucked under his arm.

"He just froze up." He says.

I smile, trying to ease some of Drew's concerns even though I don't have any clue what's going on either. By the time I reach Luke and Holt, they're at the bench.

"We need to start the game." A ref tells Luke.

Barely turning to acknowledge the ref Luke barks "give us a minute."

"What's going on?" I ask, kneeling in front of Holt.

But Holt just shakes his head, mumbling something as he wraps his arms around himself protectively.

"He said he's here." Luke says quietly, looking between Rhett and I.

"He's here?" Rhett repeats, scanning the crowd. "Where?"

"Please. D-don't." Holt stammers.

"Holt." I place my hands on his knees and he jumps. "It's okay, you're safe."

His eyes lift enough for me to see that he's consumed with fear. "No I'm not."

"Yes you are." I'm furious. Overwhelmed with anger at the thought of this man being in the same building as Holt. Having the nerve to show up here. If it's who I think it is, I know I'll recognize him from a photograph in Holt's file. "Listen to me Holt. Rhett and I are your parents. And we will protect you."

Rhett kneels down beside me, his hand covering mine that's still on Holt's knee. Holt sucks in a breath.

"They're about to start the game. Coach said it was alright if one of us stayed on the bench." Rhett looks at me. "What do you think son?"

I'm not entirely convinced that Holt is with us.

"You stay." I answer when Holt doesn't. "I'll go sit down. But Holt." I wait until Holt looks up at me. "I want you to go out there and play for yourself. He can't touch you anymore. You go out there and show him that he didn't win." I can see the uncertainty, the doubts flooding Holt's thoughts. "Understand?"

He swallows hard but his head nods. "Yes ma'am."

"I'm going to be cheering for you as loud as I can and Rhett will be right here to keep you safe, okay?" As I stand, I lean forward cupping the back of his head in my hand as I kiss his forehead. "I love you Holt."

"I can't stall them anymore." Luke butts in. "You up to play or want a few?"

He takes a deep breath and I silently beg for him to try, to push through this fear. Holt looks up at me terrified, he shifts his gaze to Rhett before he shoves himself off the bench clearing his throat. "I'm ready."

"That's my boy!" Luke shouts. "Go give 'em hell kid."

Sending Holt onto the court with one last smile, I head for the bleachers. But as I walk I scan the faces of the spectators, taking in their features until I find him.

My feet pound into the boards of the court, eyes boring into him, hoping like mad he'll feel it. I want him to see him, I want him to look into my eyes and know that I know what kind of monster he is.

It works, his eyes shifting to mine. They're dark and cold, threatening to send a shiver through me but I refuse to back down. Refuse to let him think he has any sort of effect.

I harden my gaze but all he does is smirk.


You can all thank @Rensk3n for the double update. I can't say no to her 🤣.

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