-40- Fine

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Luke "Coach Mo" Morrison

"Gather 'round boys!" I shout, blowing my whistle.

Shoes all come to a squeaking halt, shuffling across the boards of the court.

I riffle through my gym bag I brought down with me, making sure the jersey I need is right on top and easy to grab.

When I turn, the team is closing in on me. "Good job today guys. How's everyone feeling after break?"

"Fat." Drew mutters.

Most of the guys laugh.

"That's why you were supposed to condition on your own over the holidays." I scold him even though I know he didn't slack, I can tell he's just as fit as before the holidays.

He waves his hand dismissively at me. "Yeah, yeah. I ran. Once."

I lose them for a moment as they talk amongst themselves, everyone that is but Holt who is just standing there quietly like normal.

"Alright, Alright. Settle down." I clear my throat as they slowly listen. "Now I'm pretty sure all of you know but Holt had a pretty exciting holiday break."

Drew puts his hand on Holt's shoulder causing the kid to jump in his skin.

"And I wanted to keep the celebration going and make it official on the team." I pull the jersey from the bag behind me, opening it up so that the name is visible on the back.

The boys all start to holler, one of them snatching it from my hands and tossing it to Holt as they tell him to put it on.

His eyes dart around the group and I can't tell from over the noise of the other guys but I swear it looks like he laughs. The biggest smile I've ever seen him produce on his face as he tugs the jersey over his head.

It's such a parent thing to do but I grab my phone from my pocket as I say, "turn around let's see it".

And as he puts his back to us, I snap a photo of "Lincoln" and his number "13" plastered across his back.

I instantly send the photo onto Rhett.

"Okay, listen up!" I call them back in. "We've got just under two weeks until our next game so stay on top of conditioning and keep bringing everything you have to practice." I make eye contact with a few that seem like they have slacked off over break, Drew not one of them. "And it's the start of a new semester so please Drew for the love of god keep your grades up."

He's my only questionable player.

"Right." Drew says laughing. "What's the magic letter again?"

Everyone laughs but I roll my eyes. "B Drew, you have to get B's."

"Shit." His eyes widen but I know he knows this. He mock salutes me. "Aye aye captain."

"Get outta here!" I yell as they start back into their shenanigans. "Ya'll smell."


My phone goes off just as I pull into my driveway and I answer after the third ring. I take note of a car I don't recognize parked on the street by the driveway.


"Hi this is Olive Henderson from the County Post. Am I speaking to Luke Morrison?"


I turn my ignition, staring up at my house. I bet my gutters are packed full, Ruby's probably are too. This year I won't have to sit there and yell at Barry to get his ass up a ladder and do it himself. The man always hated doing it, trying to bribe me.

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