-23- Just Have to Wait

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Luke "Coach Mo" Morrison

I pull the turkey from the oven, an array of smells hitting me in the face and my mouth instantly waters.

Commotion erupts from the living room, probably the football game. I hope it's in favor of the Lions, whatever it is.

"How's our turkey looking?" Ava asks, snaking arms around me just as I set the turkey down.

"Perfect." I tell her. "What can I say, I'm a pro."

She uses my shoulders to lift herself to her toes and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"At least when it comes to turkey." She hums.

I smirk, amused at her mild teasing as she goes to the stove to check on the other dishes.

"So how about that bottle of wine."

I glance to the counter where the wine is that Drew showed up at the door with. Knowing nothing about wine, I'm inclined to believe Barry's enthusiasm over the bottle and the shock at the idea that it is in my house. I'm guessing it's expensive.

"Barry said that's like a $600 bottle of wine." She whispers the price like if she says it too loud the bottle will shatter right there on the counter, all the precious liquid inside staining our cheap Formica countertops.

"Do you really think his parent's suggested it?" She asks.

I shake my head as I grab a knife and start slicing the turkey. "No, I don't." I don't think Drew's parents suggest anything. "How's everything looking? Are we ready to eat?"

She drops a blob of butter into the mashed potatoes, turning to me eyes full of mischief and sass and says, "You tell me, my parts been done."

A laugh barks out of me and I abandon the knife in the turkey to grab Ava. She lets out a squeal as I lift her off the ground and throw her over my shoulder.

"That's it. You're coming with me." I tell her.

She's been playful and teasing all morning and I love it. But it's been distracting me, my mind trying to plan out a way to sneak her away from everyone for a few and seeing her standing there in a Lions jersey, eyes lit up and warm, I realize I either need to steal her away now or kick her out of the house.

"Get a room!" Barry calls as he passes the kitchen.

I hear Ruby scold him, Birdie and Erin chiming in with an "ew".

"A quickie?" I ask, not releasing her.

"We have food on the stove!" She laughs.

I reach the hallway that leads back to our room.

"FOOD IS READY!" I yell to the living room. "GET IT YOURSELF!"

"You can't do that!" Ava twists on my shoulder but I tighten my grip. "We have guests!"

I snort, "Ruby and Barry can host for a minute."

"It's never just a minute Luke." Her voice warm, lustful and it travels south through my body.

I kick the door shut behind me, letting Ava slide off my shoulder to land in front of me. Her ponytail is messy, strands falling out around her face and I reach up to tuck them back behind her ear.

"I'm so in love with you." I tell her, searching her blue eyes as she stares up at me.

"You can't just sweet talk me to make this okay." She teases.

So I don't try, instead I cup her head in my hand, my other arm snaking around her waist to pull her close and then I kiss her.

Thanksgiving will just have to wait a minute.

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