-64- Epilogue

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Whoa! Slow down there cowboy.

If you've just finished Safe and think "ah ha great the epilogue, I'll read it next" I strongly suggest you stop, take a step back and go read the rest of this series in the order that's on my homepage.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, get over it. I made shit difficult. Just kidding, I'm actually real sorry about how confusing this all this but honestly if you don't want spoilers don't read this yet. Instead hop on over to Drew, then Okay, then Vows, then shimmy your way on back.

If you have read everything else first, like I've been saying this whole time, ignore me and continue onward my friends.


Holt Lincoln

10 years later

The noise from the gym travels down the hallway, growing increasingly louder the closer I get to the doorways. Most everyone knows me and I'm thankful, Blue and I are no longer a spectacle.

I pull open the large heavy doors that separate us from the chaos, a gust of wind blowing over me. Sneakers squeak against the wood floor, coaches yelling, the familiar twang of the basketball smacking the ground.

Blue and I don't even make it five steps in before my eyes catch sight of a body rapidly approaching. I reach for Blue out of habit and maybe a little comfort too. People still aren't my thing.

But then Vida slams into me, arms snaking around my waist, I swear she's grown since the last time I saw her, a few weeks prior. Pulling her close, I kiss her blond hair.

"You came!" She pulls back just enough to crane her neck to look up at me.

The corner of my mouth twitches up. "It's the first game of the season, I told you I wouldn't miss it."

Her grin is so big it's nearly splitting her face in half, freckles dotting her cheeks from the hours she's spent outside with dad over the summer playing ball.

"But don't you have a game later tonight?" We still haven't let each other go.

"Yeah, I fly out a little later."

A mischievous glint sparks in her eye, the blue becomes a touch more vibrant to match. "Can I come?"

A laugh rumbles deep in my chest but by the time it makes it out it's almost inaudible. "It's fine with me if it's fine with mom and dad. We can fly you back tomorrow night."

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" She squeals, fingers lacing with mine as she suddenly lets me go and drags me to the bleachers. As she walks, she glances back over her shoulder and says "guess who else came?"

"Who?" I'm too busy watching her, trying to lose myself in this moment with Vida's hand in mine and Blue beside me so that the roar of the parents in the bleachers doesn't get to me.

"Birdie." Vida says smugly and I swear I see her wink.

I haven't seen Birdie for a while. At least not in person. We still talk frequently though, after Drew, she became a little more distant. But I can't blame her. So did I.

Somedays it feels like he's still here. And somedays, I stare at that stupid Switch I haven't played in years and pull Blue close. Somedays the grief of losing Drew almost undoes me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Mhmm." She hums, stopping us both for a moment. "I know I'm only ten and I'm not supposed to know these things but it's sort of apparent you guys have a thing for each other. So can you just do it already?"

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