46. Gifts Given

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I'd been lucky the Initiate was willing to stop by a town before he left for his other contract, even if it was too late to get a ride to Falkreath and I had to stay the night at the local inn. At least the bed was mostly clean and the food was warm. The next morning, I had hurried outside as soon as the sun peeked over the horizon and climbed into the wagon after passing a note and some coin to the driver, more than ready to head home.

The warm rush of air as I slipped inside the Sanctuary once again had a smile curving my lips upward, more than ready to greet the Family. And my Cicero, the one I had missed so much.

"Ah, I see you have returned. Destin has gone on to his other contract, then? Good. That is good. You should get to know the other members of the family, you know. You spend too much time with just the fo- the Keeper. You'll make the others think you don't like them," the Pretender spoke as soon as I passed by her desk, her hands tracing over the map near where a dagger was buried into the surface.

Communication works both ways. They could speak to me far easier than I could to them. However, I shall try. Not because you ask it, but because they are Family, regardless of how they might act, and it would not do to ignore my Siblings. Not after having spent so long trying to find treasures.

I ignored the frustrated look she gave me as I carried the heavy sack with me, wishing I could have left the books with Destin. At least I'd only had to haul it a short way after riding in the wagon, rather than having been forced to carry it the entire way on foot. If not for the books and trinkets that lay within, I likely would have left it all behind long ago.

Ahh, but it wouldn't do to come back Home without presents for the Family! One must always take care of those who were meant to become treasures, after all.

"Faith has returned again, at last! She doesn't have to leave again, does she? She hardly got to stay last time before she was made to leave poor Cicero behind!" The Jester Assassin's voice warmed my heart with his welcoming words, jumping to his feet the moment I stepped into Mother's room from where he had been placing flowers into one of the many vases he'd brought into the inner sanctuary.

As far as I know, I don't have to leave any time soon. At least, the False One hasn't said anything to me yet. Besides, Destin won't be back for a while yet and Babette is the only other one besides you that knows how to read lips. I doubt Babette would want to drag me along on her contracts and you are not allowed to take any contracts, much though I wish you could. Besides, I have a feeling that the Pretender doesn't like knowing that you are not the only one following the Old Ways.

Shrugging, I sat my sack down and began carefully digging through the contents within. Finding the leather bundle I'd tied closed with a strip of red cloth, I pulled it out and handed it to Cicero.

I... found this while I was out and I was hoping that you would give it to Mother for me... if you think she would like it, that is. I mean, if not, then you can do whatever you want with it. It just made me think of her and I was-

"Oh? Something nice for Mother? Let us see what thoughtful Faith has brought home," he smiled as he plucked at the knots I had made, having set the gift in his lap as he sat down on the nearest bench.

It took a few minutes before the last knot was undone and the leather gently unwrapped, but finally, the trinket was revealed to his eyes. Gently carved out of amethyst, the petals of the flower curled out from the amber that formed the center, the whole thing just big enough to fill the palm of his hand as he lifted it from the scrap of leather.

"Oh... Mother will like this indeed. Where did Faith find such a thing? Cicero didn't think something like this would ever show up in Skyrim of all places, no, no. Summerset would be more the place for something like this," he walked slowly over to Mother's coffin before glancing at me, his gloved hand resting on the surface.

I'll tell you later on, after you're done here, okay? I should go put the rest of this stuff where it belongs!

Smiling, I waved and began turning toward the door before stopping for a moment.

I missed you, Cicero. Very, very much. It feels good to be Home again.


I watched from the shadows as the Redguard froze for a moment before slipping his hand under the pillow, pulling it back out to reveal a small pouch. Carefully opening the pouch, he pulled out a small vial, opening it before lifting it to smell the contents. Frowning, he closed it and picked out a different vial, doing the same as before. After repeating the process a few more times, he finally looked around with narrowed eyes and spoke.

"Whoever it is watching, I'm not going to say thank you. If that is what you are waiting for, then you are wasting your time," the man spoke, his voice sounding bored.

I smiled when he turned and walked away, heading down the stairs to the kitchens below. No matter how much he tried not to show a reaction, I'd seen the slight tug at the corner of his lips when he'd smelled the spices.

It might have taken him shouting at me and Cicero for using the kitchens to realize that he considered the area his territory, but upon knowing, how could I have resisted buying the pouch of spices when I'd seen them while selling the junk I'd collected while slipping through the crypt with Destin?

Slipping quietly from my hiding place, I slipped back through the passages, heading toward me and Cicero's room. I would hide the other trinkets tomorrow. Right now, I just wanted to spend more time with my friend, even if it did mean admitting to him that I might have... permanently borrowed the jeweled flower from an Altmer who'd been rude to our Initiate.

Who knew someone could be so distasteful in personality, but have such good taste in trinkets? Although, having seen the contents of his wardrobe, I questioned if his taste was limited only to trinkets. Who needed that many copies of the same boring black robes? I mean, sure the silver helped a bit, but the man could really use some color in his wardrobe.

Personally, I think I did a huge favor adding the red stitches while he slept.

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