Chapter 29

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"Lox oh my god.", Aaron said and looked out of the window. The bus stopped and Aaron ran outside to Lox. He hugged her. We all hopped off the bus. Everyone exchanged hugs with Lox and I was last.

"Oh my god. I have waited so long to meet you.", she said and we hugged.

"What? I should be excited to meet you.", I said and we both laughed. We all walked into the building. Everyone sat on the chairs on the stage. Some people were blowing up the balloons, some were blowing up the beach balls, and some organizing the glow sticks. Lox and I were sitting on the floor, organizing the glow sticks since girls are obviously more organized.

"So what are your talents?", she asked while putting the blue glow sticks in a pile.

"What do you consider a talent?", I asked and we both laughed.

"Well we are having a bunch of activities. You have to do something to join in.", she said and tied the glow sticks together with a rubber band.

"I guess I sing and dance." I said and Lox's jaw dropped.

"Me too.", she said and smiled.

"Where have you been all my life?", I said. We hugged and laughed. After we sorted out all the glow sticks, we went to the boys who were blowing up all the balloons. They weren't even close to finishing so we decided to help them out.

"I'm gonna warm up.", Shawn said. He tied his last balloon and grabbed his guitar.

"You should warm up with him.", Lox whispered to me.

"They don't really know I sing though. I never really had a chance to tell them.", I said to her and tied a balloon.

"Tell us what?", Matthew asked.

"That she sings and dances.", Lox said. She smiled. All the boys looked at me.

"Oh my god. A second Lox.", Aaron said and jumps into my arms.

"Show us what you got.", Jacob said. Shawn smiled and began to play "Something Big" on his guitar. He began to sing. Everyone began to nudge me.

"Sing Cali.", Shawn said. I chimed in and sang the chorus with Shawn. Everyone began to cheer.

"Now we know you are good at singing but what about dancing?", Taylor said and went to a laptop that was plugged into speakers that were all around the conference room. Taylor played one of Lox's brother's tracks. Lox and I danced to the track with the choreographed moves. Everyone decided to have a dance break and dance to "Lip Gloss". We went back to work and blew up all the balloons. We managed to shove all the beach balls and balloons into a small closet to the left of the conference room. The security guards put up the bars to block the fans from jumping on the stage. It was almost 2PM. We all went to a room where we were going to exit from when all the fans are settled in. We sat in the room for about 15 minutes. A security guard came into the room and told us to get ready. I was nervous but Jack took my hand. I looked at him and he was smiling so much.

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