Chapter 8

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Coulson walked into Fury's office seeing him watch the fight between Romanoff and Kaneki. "Fascinating isn't it how a 19 year old can be a deadly weapon." The agent looked at the screen then cleared his throat "director if you don't mind telling me what is he exactly. Cause me and Romanoff saw something just 15 minutes ago. Under his back behind his shirt something was twitching moving."

The man looked at his employee getting up pulling out a file. It read 'Black Reaper' making Coulson open it too seeing images of Kaneki in a mask.  Then Kaneki's paperwork he looked reading some then stopped looking at fury. "He's from another earth just like ours but different in some ways. He's one of the lions on his world while humans are zebras."

Coulson looked at him back reading something about kagune. "Kagune different types.. Rinkaku, bikaku, kokaku and ukaku. What does Kaneki have exactly and he's a one eyed ghoul?" Fury nods slowly then smiled "you know we have the worlds best assassin working for us now. We can help him with his hunger problem. He can smell blood and lead us to people like a dog. Kaneki was human before the doctor did his experiment or surgery. I see potential in him."

The agent kept looking at the paperwork.

Kaneki was in his quarters clenching his bed in pain. "Let me out!!!!!!" The ghoul kept biting his lips hard felling himself rip the sheets of his bed. His eyes widen finally feeling the pain go away he lays down his face in the pillow drifting off to sleep.

Kaneki looks around too see the checker room again then seeing his kakuja their. "Let me out!" Kaneki just looked at the creature with no emotion till he grabbed it by the throat "I'm in control not you." The kakuja smiled wickedly laughing echoing "if you say so but when you lose it and break I'll take control and devour them all!"

Kaneki woke up sweating till he looked at his closets seeing everything in place his suit was their which made him raise a eyebrow. The ghoul then saw on the bottom in a box his mask with a note.

Might be useful one day.

The ghoul crumbles up the paper then went to shower. He entered the restroom taking his clothes off then entered letting the hot water hit his face. Steam was filling the room making Kaneki sigh only to close his eyes while the water hit him to see Touka and the others. He smiled a bit only to be brought to reality the ghoul turned off the water and drys off putting some clothes on. He looked at his mask before leaving only for him to leave it their and grabbed his eyepatch walking out.

Kaneki leaves the building reviling a logo making him keep walking. The ghoul walked till he smells something he followed it till he sees someone lying on the ground dead. He kneeled down looking at the dead body only to feel the kakuja wanting flesh. Getting up quickly he backs away only to see a symbol on the ground next to the body. Skull with octopus tentacles.

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