Chapter 24

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Week later

After the destruction of New York by Loki's army the started to rebuild some parts of New York. Kaneki was stuck on files with Furuta trying to find the people from his current investigation before the avengers were assembled. The ghoul looked at the files from the raid they did back three months remembering what the person said papa. Kaneki fixed his glasses till Furuta places a cup of coffee down on his desk "you're working to hard so I know you like coffee." The ghoul looked at it picking it up taking a sip then looked at his new partner "Furuta-San any ideas on your side of what this all is." Furuta looked at him seeing the ghoul had a emotionless face making himself smile a bit "maybe they got word of what you are and make a better version of you Kaneki ken."

This made him raise a eyebrow till he saw Furuta messing around in their office. He watched him spin around on his office chair making Kaneki sigh to himself missing Natasha and Clint. The ghoul gets up with his coffee about to leave till his partner looked at him "where you going investigator ken?" The ghoul looked at him "I'm going for a walk. Look threw the files some more Furuta-San."

Fury walked threw the halls till he saw Kaneki leaving the office. "Kaneki got anything on your case yet?" The ghoul looked over to the director of shield shacking his head "no sir but Furuta-San thinks it's cause my arrival and possible other stuff from my world that made them make those things." Fury looked at him seeing he's changed since Coulson making him rub his head "look Kaneki if you need a leave of absence let me know." Kaneki looked at his boss "I'm fine thank you anyways." The ghoul left the area leaving fury behind making him enter Kaneki's office too see Furuta on the phone but hung up.

"Ah Fury what makes you stop by Kaneki ken just left for a walk." This made him look at Furuta seeing he was looking at files laughing a bit "just wanted to make sure your doing something Mr. Nimura." He left the office closing the door behind him walking away pressing his ear piece "Agent hill give me records of Agent Furuta." Fury walks around till he gets into a area till he looked threw the glass seeing a man in handcuffs with white hair and glasses. He pressed a button looking at him "Hello I'm director fury and what's your name."

The man looked at him calm as ever "names kishou Arima." The man known as Arima kept looking at fury till he continued "well Arima I want to know what are these and why did you attack one of my agents." Arima fixed himself looking at fury "you don't know what he is anyways. He's a ghoul and I'm a investigator. CCG those are quinques that are made of kagune. How have you not heard anything about the CCG." Fury looked at the investigator till he closed his eyes "your telling me your from Kaneki's world a investigator." Arima looked at him "you mean Ken Kaneki. The half human half ghoul one of my fellow investigators was looking into a ghoul called a binge eater."

Fury took out papers till Arima continued "Ghouls are here in America. I need to contact my squad and the main office." This made the director look at him clearing his throat "Mr. kishou your not on your dimension. What do you means Ghouls are here."

Somewhere else

Eto laughed softly to herself "Alien invasion in New York tatara it was amazing! I wanted to join the fun though." The ghouls looked at the humans messing around with their weapons till Damien looked at them "Our guys are gonna be getting ready to rise from the shadows but we might need some of your troops." Tatara raised an eyebrow getting annoyed with the humans till Eto looked at him "fine Damien-San when the time comes we will make ourselves known as well. Oh Kaneki ken we will meet again soon~."

Back at shield HQ

Furuta kept typing away till Kaneki entered the office looking at Furuta and a map with circles around the New York and Washington DC. "The people might be in New York or Washington DC. It's a feeling Kaneki." The ghoul looked at the map "good work Furuta-San we will continue tomorrow. Go home." Furuta gets up leaving the office walking down the hallway with a sinister smile. "Almost show time."

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