Chapter 28

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Middle of the ocean on a boat

Kaneki kneels down seeing armed guards patrolling the area. "Steve-San their are armed personnel taking them out now." The ghoul drops down only to land knocking them out with ease only to turn around to see Steve going around the area. He looked around till he used his ghoul speed to climb the ship to get on to of the area seeing more guards.  Steve takes them out quickly only to give a thumbs up to the ghoul making him drop down. "The hostages are somewhere we need to secure them. Without casualties Ken."

The ghoul just looked at him only to walk away till he saw a guard running towards him. He cracked his finger activating his kagune which made the man stop falling on the floor about to open fire the kagune wrapped around the mans throat lifting him up slowly pulling him in. "Where are the hostages..." Kaneki dropped the man only to see him grab for a knife slicing his hand off. The man was about to scream only for Steve to knock him out looking at the ghoul in shock. "Ken what why did you do that. You could have easily blocked him not cut the man hand off."

The black reaper unzipped his mask kneeling down lifting the hand taking a deep bite making Steve look away. "I thought you were good till a month. Come on Ken. Natasha do you read me?" Natasha was taking people out with suppressed pistoles making her way threw the ship halls. "I copy... let the boy eat. You know he has too Rogers. Besides he can eat one bad guy on this ship. Fury told me and him he can." Kaneki finished the hand zipping his mask back up getting up before smelling the air. "Besides you don't want the kakuja to run wild in the mood of the ocean Steve. I'm keeping my hunger and it in check." Steve just looked at him remembering the centipede kakuja from the files.

"Fine take this body as its hard for me to say it." The soldier walked away from the ghoul only for Kaneki to look at the body deciding to take his mask off to feast. Shield agents run around the ship only for Natasha to stop securing the engine room "engine room secure guys. Kaneki you okay?" The ghoul was eating the mans organs only to gulp looking down at the body "I'm eating Natasha. I'm fine. Strike team in position?" Kaneki continued to eat till his kagune twitched making his eyes widen.  He gripped the dead body in pain till he felt normal again. "Guys hostages secure. We're on the move. Cap Natasha missed her checkpoint. Hostiles still in play." Steve threw his shield threw a window. "Ken I need you on those hostages.  Natasha where are you?"

Kaneki grabbed his mask quickly putting it on making his way to the strike team. The ghoul ran into a door making a dent he took deep breaths only to run again. The strike team see their ghoul agent running towards them till gun fire erupted. Kaneki turned around activating his kagune using it as a shield only to send a strike.



His head started to pulse only for the ghoul to run slicing the men in half grabbing one by the neck. "F-Fingers...on the b-bench...centipedes..." Everyone watched the ghoul only for the strike team to escort the hostages. Steve ran into Natasha in a computer room "well this is awkward.." Steve looked to see she was downloading shield data on a hard drive. Kaneki threw the man off the ship only to fall on his knees in pain. Till a explosion happened which made the ghoul snap out of his trance. His kagune was going crazy only for him to close his eyes taking deep breaths calling back his kagune. He ran towards the explosion to see Steve walking out mad only for Natasha to follow holding a hard drive.

Back at HQ

Steve looked at fury "Sir the hostages could have been in danger for that stunt. Did ken know about the side mission you had Natasha on." Fury looked at the soldier only to nod "Yes. But nothin as happened I sent a good soldier and a grim reaper. Death. They came out fine Rogers take the victory."

Kaneki walked around base till he saw Furuta smiling with coffee in his hands. "How was the mission boss?" Kaneki took the coffee drinking it only to see Arima walking around as well "It went fine. Any progress on the case." Furuta nods softly leading the way back to the office "We think it's a group that has strings attached to everything. They hired agori tree. As for the location of them have no idea." The ghoul nods softly only to feel his lower back in pain. "Excuse me Furuta-San I'll be leaving for the day. Tell Arima-San he's in charge here for today.." Kaneki left his office feeling his kagune wanting to burst out only too see Arima holding his suitcase. "Everything okay Kaneki ken. You seem sick." Kaneki fixed his glasses looking at the investigator holding his chin "I'm fine Arima-San. Your in charge today again. I'll be heading home. Gonna talk to fury.."

Kaneki walked away from him going threw the halls till he made it too fury office. He entered only to lean on the wall making fury get up. "You okay Kaneki. You look like a ghost. Sit down we'll have doctors in here." The Ghoul walked towards a chair to fall down his kagune erupting from his back. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Fury quickly moved out the way pressing a button under his desk.

"Code 993, Code 993."

Arima stoped hearing the alarm only to head towards Fury's office. The reaper made his way threw agents only to get to fury's office only to dodge a centipede kagune. Fury pulled out a his pistol firing at the ghoul sedatives. Arima clicked his brief case only to go in slicing away at the kagune. Kaneki hissed in pain only for a shield to be thrown knocking him on his back. "What the hell is going on?!?!" Arima looked at the soldier till his eyes narrowed at the kakuja "I'll detain him. After all this have the doctors run RC Cell count. His levels might be high." Kaneki gets up sending strikes only for Arima to block them pulling out a white blade.

The investigator charged the blade up sending bolts of electric volts making the kakuja scream. Steve ran in sending punches only for Arima to run in dealing major damage pulling out a needle stabbing it into the eye. Kaneki screamed only to fall down his kagune evaporated leaving the investigator too look at the two men. Fury looked at Kaneki only to sigh "Steve call Clint and Natasha.. tell them centipede made a appearance again."

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