Chapter 22

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Kaneki stood in the room the cell used to be looking at the blood spot were Coulson used to be. He looked down not knowing how to feel his mind was blank all it was focused on was Loki. The ghoul turned around to see his arm in the corner of the room walking towards it picking it up making it reattach itself. He moved the arm around only to punch the wall over and over again making dents.

Kaneki has flashes of Coulson in his head having his voice ring out last words to him. 'Welcome to the Coulson family son.' The ghoul activated his kagune ripping the wall apart only for him grab his head.

Tony and Steve were reading files on Kaneki with fury and Natasha. They skimmed through everything only for Steve to place the file down "so he's hybrid of these species so called ghouls. Interesting yet horrifying." Tony also chipped his insight in then remembering what fury wanted him to do "so he was the one killing people in New York a couple of months ago we have a alien that not from surprisingly this earth working with us." Fury saw Tony's facial expression he was more shocked and somewhat fascinated by the file he read.

"Look we need people to face Loki.Kaneki Ken is one of us a shield agent. He's not a threat or anything we have him under control on feeding him." Steve wanted to throw up images of Kaneki eating dead bodies till tony gets up "alright fine I know he didn't ask for this. I trust the human part of him not the centipede kakuja thing. He might be a ghoul but he's a avenger now..." everyone was silent till Natasha looked at them "I'm go check on Clint. One of you guys go talk to Kaneki." She left the room only for fury to get up looking at Tony "which one of you wants to talk to him."

Steve was about to say something till tony gets up slowly "I'll talk to the kid.." the billionaire left the room going down corridors thinking we're would he be till it hit him. He made it to the room seeing dents and slashes in the room only too see the puddle of blood making him close his eyes till he sees Kaneki in the corner sitting down with a blank expression. Kaneki looked up seeing tony making him get up "I know your a ghoul. Well half ghoul not from this earth I also know you killed those people in New York." The ghoul just stared at him not giving a fuck about his opinion till tony walks up to him.

"Kid I know you've seen some shit and possibly had to do things you didn't want to. But your a avenger we avenge people do you want to hurt Loki." Kaneki looked at the man clenching his fists "yes." Tony smiled softly till something comes up in his head "I know where Loki is tell cap and the others his at stark tower in New York!" He runs away down the hall leaving the ghoul alone again only for him to walk down the hall as well. Natasha was talking to Clint about what happened only for Kaneki to enter the room.

The archer looked at the kid remembering he smiled a lot once he got used to everything now his first time face was back but worse like he had no emotion at all anymore. "Natasha-San Loki is at stark tower. Tony-San left already to intercept him." She looked at her partner only for him too look at Clint "can you fight." He looked at Kaneki nodding only for Kaneki to turn around about to leave "I'll get Steve-San meet us at the hanger bay." Kaneki left the room leaving Clint in question with Natasha as well.

The ghoul smelt the air for Steve scent only to head to the open area seeing Steve in his suit holding his shield. Steve turned around too see Kaneki making him almost jump "hey Kaneki I just wanted to say-." This made Kaneki look at the shield "we need to meet Tony-San Loki is at New York. Natasha-San and Clint-San are going to meet us at the hanger bay." Steve noticed something about Kaneki he wasn't the some what happy person he kinda meet before now he was a robot. "Kaneki I read your file I know a thing or too about lose.. your friend Hide I was in your boat his name was Bucky Barnes. A mission went wrong and I lost him.."

This made the ghoul look at the super soldier for a bit only to turn away. "Meet us at the hanger bay." The ghoul passed Steve leaving him alone only for Kaneki to head to his room looking at the eyepatch mask. Natasha and the others wait at the hanger for 10 minutes only for Kaneki to walk into view his mask was equipped making Steve look at it resembling a asylum mask. "What now we can't just borrow one of the jets." Kaneki saw a jets door open walking toward it making them follow the man inside looked at them. "What are you guys doing ? You can't be in here!" The ghoul looked at the man only for him to stop talking activating his ghoul eye making the man leave the jet in a hurry.

They all get ready only for Kaneki close the door behind them. Natasha sets everything up "buckle up guys we're heading to New York." Kaneki sits down catching Steve looking at him "what is it." The jet started to take flight only for the soldier to look away "that mask suits you ken is all." This made the ghoul look down only to close his eyes for the trip. One thing on his mind ripping Loki and his so called army to shreds.

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