Chapter 33

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It's been days since hydra came to light and SHIELD Files were uploaded to the internet for the public eye. The world had to adapt to new information about meta humans and ghouls. Natasha been keeping everything down especially since 'Fury's death.'

Stark tower

Tony kept messing around with his armor only to look at the element that fury gave him months ago. "Jarvis pull up armor blueprints." His screens pulled up lots of armor ideas only for the man to raise an eyebrow only to remember about fury. "Jarvis you think kenabiles kind being here a problem?"

He kept looking at a armor idea "I don't know sir. Mr.Ken has proved to be a valuable member of the avengers sir." This made him look at the remodel of stark tower before he picks up his phone. Tony gets up only to stop himself having a idea remembering the protocol with Bruce banner "Jarvis call Bruce and tell him to come down to the tower for a idea I have about a suit."

Shield HQ

Kaneki was silent only for a knock at a door only for it to be Clint and agent hill. "Hey kid we couldn't find Furuta he's gone dark on us. Steve he's on his own mission about Bucky." The ghoul nods only to feel his kagune eye activate under his eyepatch making him flinch grabbing his eye.

He hissed in pain only for agent hill to help him lay down on a couch. "It isn't centipede is it kid your kakuja. Your hair..." Clint looked too see his black locks were turning white again only to kneel down "Kaneki is something bugging you.. don't tell me nothing cause your hair is turning white again I know it's from stress. You have Marie Antoinette syndrome I remember cause of 'Him' what you told us. You might need a leave of absents kid.." 

The ghoul looked at him only for him to sigh "I'm afraid I'm turning into the person I was with agori... I don't know who I am anymore... eyepatch? Black reaper ? Centipede? Who am I?.." Agent hill smiled softly looking at her teammate "Kid on the Helicarrier back with Loki you were amazing. I heard a lot about you from Fury and of course files and Coulson. When you showed up to our world and found out what you were I'm be honest I was terrified." Kaneki remembered everything he did when he showed up to New York devouring and killing anyone only for her to continue "Kaneki you are you. I may have not know you before everything but your a good person with a horrible fate placed on him. Look at banner he done bad stuff and now he's a hero."

Clint looked at him only to tell he was in thought "If Arima thought you were a threat before he vanished he would have told us personally to lock you up. But the enemy this organization V, hydra whoever they really are playing you mentally." The ghoul nods softly only for his eye to turn back to normal making him take his eyepatch off "New Director is to be arriving soon maybe in a couple of hours if you want to meet him." Kaneki took a deep breath only to crack his fingers "sure Clint-San can I have time to mentally relax." The agents looked at each other before leaving his office leaving the ghoul to close his eyes.

Days ago flash back

Bruce looked at Kaneki seeing he was fighting something. He went towards the ghoul only to look around "I can help with the control problem kid." Kaneki eyed him trying to play it off only for him to feel his head boil "I don't know what your talking about Bruce-San I'm fine." The scientists kept looking at him only for him sigh "Kid I read files about you I know what it's like to have a monster inside. Fighting for control and ones gonna win. Take my advice meditate and control the hunger try doing something that won't make you flip out."

End of flashback

Kaneki closed his eyes take deep breaths in and out only to be in a checker room.


Tatara looked at Eto in a tub "your still healing from that brat." She looked at him only to giggle softly "He's gotten stronger and with my kakuja he had to devour it.. he's gonna only be stronger." Tatara looked away only to see a human on the ground scared "Hydra failed... That winter soldier you said who had everything done didn't do anything." Tatara  lifted the man by the throat only for him to kick for his life "humans are useless." He snapped the neck only to throw the body aside for Noro to walk in with agori troops "is the doctor ready ?" Only for the silent ghoul to nod.

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