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Today in Group,
we talk about
how death
makes us feel.
Of course,
Bea has a,
"Fight me,"
and she sees it
as a challenge.
She thinks
her Cystic Fibrosis is
God's way
of letting
her prove
how strong
she is.

I am not sure
if I believe
in God,
or if
I want to
try and solve that
for myself
but I can
appreciate that
she clings to
her higher power
all this.

says his tumor
feels like
everything that
makes him
who he is
being taken away.
The tumor
can't be removed
and is slowly
impairing him.
His coordination
went first,
and now
he can barely
walk because
of the location
of the tumor.
He's afraid
of what
awaits him
on the other side
of death.

The green-haired
girl who
always overshares
cues her
typical sob fest
and tells us
about how much
she might never
be able
to do
—like skydiving
and going to
bars and
getting a
all the
important stuff.

There's a
new guy
I don't know
who says
he doesn't
really care
if he dies.
But it doesn't
sound like
when Bea says it.
It sounds like
he's given up.

And since
it's my
first day
I am
called on.

shoots me
that look that
tells me
she knows me
and she knows
I'll try to
dodge anything
too serious.
I can be
all mournful
about my
sad life
on my own,
but in Group,
everything is
just peachy.

I reflect on
what Kjrsten said
I have
I tell the group
I am glad
I have been given
this long
to live,
and that I have
and friends
and a family.

I don't say
out loud that
I wish
The Sisters
could be
my sisters
and that
it's on me now
to make that

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