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Dearest Emma,

My name is
I am
Robby's mother.
Kjrsten told me
what you did
for our family.
Thank you.
This Christmas
has been
as you can
Your gift
reminded me
of the light
left in
the world.
I want
you to know
that we had
some extra money
thanks to you
and we put together
small stockings
for everyone
at the hospital
and Robby's
high school
that helped him
after the
I know
life for you
isn't easy,
which makes me
even more
that you
cared about
our family
and did something
about it.
Inside your
stocking is
Robby's ring
that reminded him
to have hope.
May it
do the same
for you.
Have a
Christmas that is
very merry
and bright.

Much love,

Angela, Ron, Kathryn, and Jacob Smart

I peer
into my
and sure enough,
a small
felt stocking
is inside.
Inside is
said ring
and snacks
that I
immediately notice
are on
my approved list.

At this point,
I can barely
through my tears.
I didn't want
But I am grateful
to know
this small thing
I could give
made a

And for
the snacks,
of course.

I pick up
Kjrsten's note
and read it
once more.

"This year,"
I whisper to
"I proved
that I
know how to live."

As much as
I've begun
to preach about
people in,
this is something
I think
I'll keep
to myself.
But not entirely.
I won't
tell anyone
about Angela's stocking
I don't know
if she wants
recognition either.
But I can
this light
of kindness
that she's shared.

I can let
people know
that they can
For the first time,
I consider learned
about Biology
for something
other than
to space.
There's work
that needs
to be done
down here
on earth.

Sitting there,
by myself
with the cards,
I ponder
becoming a doctor
to do the same
for others
that people
have done for me.

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