24 - A Silent Love

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From the beginning, Nina’s family objected strongly to her dating Woojin saying that it had to do with his poor family background and that their daughter would have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were with him.

Due to family pressure, the couple quarrelled often. Though Nina loved Woojin very much, she always asked him, “How deep is your love for me my dear?”

Why did Nina ask Woojin this kind of question? Because Woojin was not good with words unlike teenagers nowadays who know how to express themselves. This had caused Nina to be very upset. With pressure from her family and Woojin’s nonchalant ways, she vented her anger on him. As for him, he only endured it in silence.

Time passed very fast. After a couple of years, Woojin finally graduated and decided to further his studies overseas. Before leaving he proposed to Nina, “Nina, I have something to say. Firstly, I’m not very good with words. But all I know is I love you. If you follow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I’ll try my best to talk to them. WILL YOU MARRY ME?”

Nina agreed and with Woojin’s determination, the family finally gave in and agreed to let them get married. Thus before he left, they got engaged. Nina went out to the working world, whereas Woojin went overseas to continue his studies. They sent their love through email and via other ways. Yes, it was really hard for them but what could they do?

One day, while Nina was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car. When she woke up, she found herself in a clean room. She saw her parents beside her bed. She remembered that she was involved in an accident. Seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her. But, alas! No voice came out from her mouth. She had lost her voice. According to the doctor, the impact of the crash on her brain had caused her to lose her voice.

In the hospital, it was just silence that accompanied her. Upon reaching home, everything seemed to be the same except for the ringing tone of the phone. She did not want her fiancé to know about her. She wrote an e-mail saying that she did not wish to continue with the relationship. It was really hard for her but only God knows how she felt at that time.

Her parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget about her fiancé and be cheerful again.

In her new environment, Nina learnt sign language and started an new life. She told herself that she had to forget her fiancé. One day, her friend came and told her that her fiancé had come back. Then, she asked her friend not to let him know what had happened to her. Since then, there was no more news from him. Her life became even lonelier.


(source: school magazine)

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