The Folks Are Gone

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Veronica's POV

Dear Diary,

Tonight is my first college party. Erika is way more excited than I am. JD and I keep joking that we're going to set our roommates up together. I don't know if we actually will. But if it happens it happens.

Erika and I are basically inseparable at this point. She's basically my college Heather, but better. We instantly got along. And she doesn't have a crush on JD. Though she won't hesitate to tell me how hot he is. Which doesn't bother me. I love Heather but it's hard knowing how much she likes JD. It's not easy being friends with someone who's in love with your boyfriend. Erika says it as an observation.

Well I have to get ready. I'll most likely write tomorrow.



I close my diary and set it on my desk. Erika comes in with two dresses. "What are those?" I ask. "Taylor and Kate from next door said we could borrow these. Thank God Kate's your size." She sets a dress down on my bed. It was a navy blue. It was kind of short but not too short.

We get ready and walk to the house. The party was at one of the fraternities. Erika's brother is in it and got us in. She also managed to get JD and Kyle in. "You excited for your first college party?" She asks on the way. "Yeah." I say. "C'mon! The folks are gone. We can go wild!" She grabs my shoulder and shakes me. "Okay! Okay!" I laugh. "Not too wild though." I warn her. "Yeah, yeah." She shrugs me off. "You'll thank me when you don't sleep at the toilet." I tell her. "Buzzkill." She frowns.

We get to the party and JD and Kyle are waiting. "Hey." I kiss his cheek. Erika and Kyle are standing a little awkwardly. "Erika, this is Kyle. Kyle, this is Erika." I introduce them to each other. "Hi." Erika sticks out her hand. "Hi." Kyle shakes it. I look at JD with a smirk. He smirks back.

We go inside, someone approaches us. "Hey little sis!" He side-hugs Erika. "Hello, Erika's friends." He addresses us. "This is my brother Grey." Erika tells us. "Grey, this is Veronica, my roommate. And her boyfriend JD, and his roommate Kyle." She says to Grey. I smile at him. "Well don't go too crazy." He says. "Especially you. I won't hesitate to tell Mom." He threatens Erika. He leaves us standing near the front door.

JD puts his arm around me. "Well maybe we should leave these two to get to know each other." He winks at Kyle, then at me. "Yeah. Sounds good." I say before he leads me away. We end up in the kitchen. Some guy is on the island, doing shot after shot of vodka. I look at JD, trying not to laugh. "Hey, you!" One of the guys points at me. "Your turn!" He yells. My eyes go widen and I try to hide behind JD. Someone near the door grabs me and picks me up. I scream as he puts me on the island. The guy who was before me was sitting on the floor, clearly hammered. JD is grinning, like the ass that he is. The guy who called out to me pours five shots in front of me and backs up. "Go!" He shouts.

So logically, if I do this, I'm going to be liked for the night at most. If I don't, they'll only hate me for tonight. All of these people are going to be too hungover to remember the one freshman who didn't do shots. Yet, I decide to do them anyways. Because I want to have fun at my first college party, at the expense of my liver. I do all five and almost fall off the island. JD catches me and helps me walk out of the kitchen. I lean against the wall. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I can't... believe... you... let me... do that." I say through dry heaves. "You... are... an asshole." He laughs, "I mean, you did it. I can't tell you what to do and what not to do." I glare at him. "Okay fine. I'm sorry." He gives in. I lean against him. "You're not going to throw up on me, are you?" I look up at him, again glaring.

"Oh my God. Did you do a 'table shot challenge?'" Erika comes behind me. "A what?" I turn to her. "That's what my brother calls it." She explains. "He's not very creative." She adds. "Wow." JD says. "And she did." He smiles. "But he," I point at JD, "didn't stop me." I hit his arm. "Well," Erika grabs a water bottle and hands it to me. "Chug that." She tells me. I do as she says in about a minute. "Damn." Kyle comes up behind Erika. "She took a bunch of shots." JD informs him. "Why?" He chuckles. I flip him off. "Sorry." He puts his hands up.

Kyle drags JD off to play beer pong. "I'd ask you if you wanted to play, but I doubt you want to." Erika says to me. I grab her wrist. JD raises an eyebrow when we stand on the other side of the table from them. "You sure?" He asks. "Hell yeah."

Erika and I completely dominate the boys. I go to the bathroom afterwards. I end up throwing up quite a bit. When I come out, JD is looking across the room, smirking. I follow his gaze to see Erika and Kyle making out in the corner. They seem drunk but JD and I knew it would happen.

We wait a while before pulling them apart. We head to our dorms. JD and I kiss goodnight. I take Erika inside and put her to bed. She was already snoring when I came back from the bathroom. I smile and get into bed. Hopefully I'm not too hungover in the morning. I'd hate that for my first day of college classes.

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