Jellal Fernandes

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Jellal x Reader

"Everyone, today we welcome a new student who just came from Era High School" says Mr Capricorn.

A tall boy with blue hair and red makings on his face entered the room. You raised an eyebrow. He looks exactly like two other students you knew.

"I'm Jellal Fernandes. Nice to meet you all" Your eyes widen slightly.

"He's Jellal?" You mumbled quietly.

Mr Capricorn then assigned Jellal to sit next to you. As Jellal comes closer to you, you immediately avoided eye contact with him.

When class ended, you were about to leave when someone grab your wrist. And it wasn't just anyone. It was Jellal.


"Long time no see N/N" Jellal says.

Your eyes widen as the memories starts to flow back into your mind.

"Hey there, I'm Jellal! What's yours?" A young boy with blue hair and red markings ask.

"Y-Y/N" A young you mumbled softly.

"Hey don't be scared of me. I won't hurt you N/N" He says.

"N-N/N?" Jellal nodded.

"That's your nickname!"

"Then, c-can I call you J-Jelly? Or Jell?" You ask softly.

"Sure thing!"

You look down as your bangs covered your eyes. You then yank Jellal's hands off you and you ran away from him.

You ran to the rooftop and you sighed as you look up to the vast sky. You had known Jellal before today.

However, you couldn't help but to hate him. Why? Because he left you. He had left on your 10th birthday, what a birthday.

He didn't said anything and just simply left. You hated him. But that hatred didn't last long because you love him. A year ago, you had mistook Mystogan and Seigrain for Jellal.

But you knew that Mystogan, Seigrain and Jellal are triplets. Because of that, you didn't talk to Mystogan and Seigrain. Heck you couldn't even tell them apart.

Which suddenly makes you think about your childhood. Was the boy with you really Jellal all the time? You shake your head. No, you were sure it was Jellal.

Because Mystogan is a quiet and mysterious boy while Seigrain is an arrogant and proud boy. As for Jellal, he's really gentle and kind.

"Jell... Why'd you left me?"

Three months had past and whenever Jellal tried to talk to you, you always avoid him. Your heart was aching but you ignored it.

Right now, you were walking home alone since you had ended late. Though it was a bad idea. You found yourself being stalked by someone.

You decided to make a quick turn at the corner. You place your hand against your chest to calm your beating heart. You then turn around to make sure it was safe.

Your eyes widen and gasp when a figure appeared out of no where. The figure pinned you against the wall and your screams were muffled.

"Such a kawaii ojou-chan, you shouldn't wander here alone" He said while sending shivers down your spine.

The man smirked and you muffled-screamed as he begins to rip your clothes. He lick his tongue and took out something from his coat pocket.

Your eyes widen when he took out a pocket knife. You shivered when the cold metal was placed on your now exposed thigh.

"Keep quiet now, don't scream" He says before making a huge slash across your thigh.

Your screams were muffled as the blood was dripping down your thigh. The next thing the man did was licking your blood which you felt disgusted.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!" A voice yelled and you heard punching.

Your eyes widen when you see Jellal, no, the triplets! Though you couldn't tell them apart, one of them came to your side and covered you with their blazer while another was treating your wound.

"Jellal stop, you're going to kill him. We don't need murders here. Just report him" Mystogan saus calmly as he was focusing on your wound.

Jellal finally stopped and he instantly embrace you, in the process, shoving Mystogan aside. Mystogan was annoyed but didn't show it.

"I'm glad you're safe" Jellal says.

"I-I- *sobs* A-Arigatou" You sobbed.

"Hands off her Jellal. She's still bleeding" says Mystogan.

"Man, I wish I could have beaten him" Seigrain mumbles.

"No Seig, you can't. Just because you've gotten your black belt doesn't mean you can go beating people up" says Mystogan.

"W-Why are the three of you here?" You ask.

"Our little brother here said you were in trouble so we came" Seigrain says while his shoulder is around Jellal's and winking at you.

"There, now you'll need to rest and change the bandages tomorrow" says Mystogan.

"Arigatou Mystogan, Seigrain and Jellal" You said.

You tried to stand up but you hissed in pain. Jellal then suddenly gave you a piggy back ride which shock you.


"Come on Y/N" You simply smiled and fell asleep on Jellal's back.

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