Yamato Kurosawa

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Anniversary Proposal: Yamato x Reader

"Yamato-kun! Wake up wake up wake up!" You exclaimed and you were shaking your boyfriend who is still asleep.

Yamato groans but doesn't wake up. You pout and had an idea. You went to pick up Yamato's cat, Kuro and put it right next to Yamato's face.

"Wake up Yamato-kun~" You purred and instantly, he open his eyes.

"Y/N, that was Kinky" He stated and you giggled.

You put Kuro down and watch it roam around the house. You grinned and turn to Yamato.

"Guess what day is today?" You ask.

"Let's see..." He thought for a moment before shrugging.

"Tuesday?" You smile dropped.

"Guess again Yamato-kun!" You said, not wanting to give up.

"I'm tired Y/N. And hungry, have you made breakfast?" He ask and you frowned.

"*sigh* It's in the kitchen. I'll be taking a shower" You said gloomily and left.

When you came out of the shower, you see Yamato washing the dishes. You had a sad look. It was a special day today and yet he didn't remember.

"Don't be so gloomy. Let's go on a date" Yamato suddenly says.

You gave a small nod and went to your room. You got changed into a light blue dress that reaches to your knee.

You then grab the things you needed and went out to meet Yamato. You see Yamato leaning against his Mercedes car and he looked gorgeously handsome.

Just seeing him being so handsome like this made you smile and temporarily forget your worries. You went to Yamato and kissed his cheek.

"Are you ready?" Yamato ask as he opens his car door for you.

"Yes I am gentleman" You chuckled as you enter his car.

Yamato smiles and he started driving. When you ask him where he was taking you, he claims that it's a surprise.

Soon, you and Yamato reached the amusement park. You squealed with excitement as you pull and drag Yamato around.

Of course, you had love all amusement rides. Except one. The rollercoaster. You had nearly lost your life on that rollercoaster and it traumatized you.

You were only 8 when your parents had brought you and your sister to the amusement park for the first time. You had enjoyed the rides.

When you had to ride the rollercoaster, you were alone. You had ran off without letting your parents know.

You sneak onto the rollercoaster but didn't buckle the seatbelt because you didn't know. While going onto the loop, the ride was suddenly stopped due to malfunction.

You were scared. When it stopped, you and the passengers were upside-down. Because you didn't fasten your seatbelt, you had fell from a tall height.

Your surrounding was spinning as you screamed. You nearly crashed the ground but luckily, you were safe. But since then, you never dared to go near any rollercoaster rides, for the fear of losing your life.

"Y/N!" You snap out of your thoughts to turn to a worried-looking Yamato.

"Y-Yamato-kun, sorry. Were you saying something?" You ask.

"Are you alright Y/N?" Yamato ask while placing his hand against your cheek.

You smiled and held his hand closer to your cheek. It felt nice and it felt warm. You assured Yamato that you were fine.

Though Yamato had his suspicions, he decided to let it go. After some more amusement fun, Yamato then started driving you to somewhere else.

And again, Yamato wouldn't tell you, claiming it tk be a surprise. When he stopped the car, you were outside a 5 star luxury restaurant.

You had always known that Yamato is a rich boy. But you love him for him, not for his money. You were surprised but Yamato doesn't say a word.

"Reservations under Kurosawa" He says.

"Right this way Kurosawa-sama" says the waiter as he led you and Yamato to your room.

And it was not just any room. Yamato had booked a VIP room just for the both of you. You were thankful to Yamato but in the end, he never remembered what day is today. Or so you thought.

"Here Y/N, this is for you" says Yamato as he gives you a small box.

"Arigatou Yamato-kun. Can I open it?" You ask and he nodded.

You open it and gasp with awe. It was a star necklace that is made from platinum and it was really rare.

"I-It's beautiful Yamato-kun" You said.

"Here, I'll put it on for you" He says.

Yamato helps you to put on your necklace and really, you looked beautiful. Yamato kisses your head and suddenly kneels down which surprised you.


"Happy 3rd anniversary Y/N, today, I hereby make a proposition. Y/N, you are the first woman that has made me learn to love myself.

We may not be each other's firsts, but I'm willing for us to be each other's last. I love you very much Y/N.

You don't love me for my money but myself and I can't say how much that really means to me. So Y/N, will you become a Kurosawa too?"

You had tears brimming on your eyes. You had thought he forgotten but no, he remembered that today was your anniversary.

"Yes Yamato-kun, I'll marry you" You cried with tears of joy.

Yamato smiles as he slips the ring ontl your finger. The both of you smiled and sealed it with a kiss on the lips.

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