Haru Glory

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Haru x Dying Reader

You and Haru have been childhood friends since you both were babies! Your father and Haru's father Gale were friends and thus, you were friends with Haru.

You have always liked Haru in a romantic way and you tend to have dirty fantasies in your head. You had never confess to Haru because you think that it isn't the right time yet.

However as time goes, you realized that you didn't have much time left. You were diagnosed with a lung disease which was inherited from your mother.

Your mother had died from it when you were 3 years old. When the doctor had diagnosed it, he said that you only have 5 years to live.

You were devasted, so as your father. It's the 5th year since you were diagnosed with the lung disease and you tried many attempts to confess to Haru.

However, it doesn't seem to work the way you wanted. Especially since he has been really close to this new girl name Elie.

Of course you got jealous but never said anything to Haru. Later, you had developed the Hanahaki disease.

When you cough, you'd see a silver coloured petal. You knew that you had love Haru deeply. You didn't want to die but god wasn't in your favour.

Even if your Hanahaki disease was cured, you'd still die from your lung disease. At first, no one other than your father knew about both of your diseases.

That is until your two friends (and also a couple), Hamrio Musica and Reina found out. Of course, they'd told you to confess but then they realize, there's no way you could survive.

"Y/N-chan?" You open your eyes and remove your head from the table to see Reina.

"Reina-chan, what's up?" You ask weakly.

"Daijoubu? You look really pale" Reina ask with worry.

"I'm fine Reina-chan" You assured.

Reina didn't believe you. She then place her hand against your forehead and she gasp.

"Y/N-chan, you're sick! You're having a fever! You shouldn't have come to school!" Reina exclaims.

"I'm fine Reina-chan..." You insisted.

"Stop being stubborn Y/N-chan. Geez, where is Haru when you need him?" Reina grumbled.

"Reina-chan... Don't tell Haru" You pleaded.

"But why Y/N-chan? He has to know! You've been keeping it from him for too long!" Says Reina.

"Rei is right Y/N. Haru's got the right to know" Musica suddenly says.


"Hammie, Y/N-chan's got a fever" says Reina.

"Alright class! Mathematics will be changed to Sports. Get change this instant!" Mr Shuda came and said.

The class groaned and you sighed. You got out of your seat but you were feeling dizzy. Reina held you before you could fell.

"It's best if you—"

"Reina-chan, don't mind me please" You stubbornly insisted and changed into your sports outfit.

You and your class then gathered at the basketball court and your sports teacher said that today will be a basketball match.

"All right! N/N-chan, I haven't played basketball in so long!" Haru exclaims.

"Now you'll have a chance to" You said.

Haru grins and he suddenly spots Elie and ran to her side. You look heartbroken when Haru was smiling so brightly at Elie.

You had wished you were Elie. Or at least in her position. You turn away from then as you suddenly started to cough out silver petals again.

"N-No... Not now" You mumbled.

You shake your head and join your class and played basketball. However, your fever was getting in the way.

While you weren't focusing, you suddenly black out, not realizing that you were holding the petal that you coughed out.

When you woke up, you had a major headache. You turn to see Haru by your side sleeping. Your eyes widen.

"H-Haru?" You mumbled softly while running your hands through his hair.

It felt nice. You smiled. But suddenly thought back to Haru and Elie. You coughed again and the silver petal came out of your mouth again.

"H-Hanahaki?" You got startled when Haru was staring at the petal.

"H-Haru! I-It's not—"

You got cut off when Haru hugs you. You were startled but eventually relax. Haru started to sobbed which surprised you.

"H-Haru? W-Why are you crying?" You ask.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Haru ask.

"You mean about my Hanahaki?"

"And your lung disease. The nurse, Reina and Musica told me. So why didn't you tell me?" Haru questions and you felt guilty.

"I had thought you like Elie-san so I never said a thing. Even if I did tell you and my Hanahaki is cured, I'd still die in about 3 months.

Mama died from the same lung disease. I've got no chance of surviving. I will die in 3 months Haru" You cried.

"You should have told me. I would have been by your side till... Y-You depart. I do love you N/N-chan" says Haru.

"Arigatou Haru, but—"

"No buts! From now on, I'll stay by your side! I won't leave you!" Haru exclaims.

You were grateful. For the next 3 months, you spent a lot of time with Haru. Of course with Reina and Musica too. Until when the time came.

You had to say goodbye to your friends. It was a painful goodbye but your last words for them were to live on for her.

As for Haru, you had kissed him one last time and told him to move on. After saying your last words, you closed your eyes with a smile on your face for eternity.

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