Ruki Mukami

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Ruki x Pregnant Reader




You groaned as you open your eyes to be met with the eyes of three boys and they were Kou, Yuma ans Azusa.

"Kou-kun, Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun? What are y'all doing in my room?" You ask while rubbing your sleepy eyes.

"Y/N, we've got a big problem" says Yuma.

"What is it? Shouldn't you look for Ruki-kun if anything?" You ask.

"That's the thing. We can't find Ruki anywhere" says Azusa.

Your eyes widen as you shove the boys out of your way. You went to search the whole of the Mukami but Ruki was no where to be found.

"RUKI-KUUUUUN!!!" You screamed but no answer and you started to panic.

"Where did y'all last see Ruki-kun?" You ask the three boys.

"We last saw him was during dinner" says Kou.

"I last saw him was before I went to sleep. Something must have happen to him! I've got to- Argh!"

"You can't push yourself Y/N, you're carrying Ruki's child. Stress isn't going to do good for the baby" says Yuma.

"But Ruki-kun is—"

"We'll find out where Ruki disappeared to. Meanwhile, you need to stay in this mansion" says Kou.


"If anything happens to you and/or the baby, how will Ruki feel?" Azusa ask while placing his hand on your shoulder.

You sighed as you started to calm down a little. Ruki has disappeared and sure you were worried! But Azusa is right, if something bad were to happen, how would Ruki feel?

"Kou-kun, Yuma-kun, Azusa-kun, please look for Ruki-kun" You said.

"Will do. Meanwhile, you need to rest" says Kou as he brings you back to your room.

"We will definitely find Ruki" Yuma assured and you nodded.

After that, the three boys left and you sighed while looking out of the window.

"Ruki-kun..." You muttered his name.

You are married to the half-blood vampire Ruki Mukami. He was a human when he was saved by a pureblood vampire name Karlheinz.

You are an ordinary human. You had encountered Ruki as he had saved you from danger. You two had fallen in love and soon, gotten married.

You live in the Mukami mansion along with Ruki's non-blood related brothers, Kou, Yuma and Azusa. Also, you have been pregnant for about 7 months now.

Definitely stress wouldn't be good since the baby still has 2 months before it can be born. You were certain that the baby is going to be a half-vampire at least.

"Ruki-kun... Where are you?" You mumbled.

Just then, you heard loud noises coming from downstairs. Curious, you went down and gasp with shock to see the servants all killed.

You were trembling, not from the cold but from fear. You didn't felt safe without Ruki or his brothers by your side. As you were backing away slowly, you gasp when your back hit something.

Or more like someone. You turn around and screamed. The next thing you knew, you had blacked out with the last thoughts of Ruki's smile.

When you woke up, you found yourself chained to the wall. You struggled but you were too weak. You shivered when you heard snickering.

"W-Who goes there?" You questioned.

"Y/N L/N Mukami" Your eyes widen.

Of course you had recognize this voice. The enemy of the Mukami and Sakamaki brothers. The Tsukinami household, Shin Tsukinami.

"S-Shin? W-Why are you here? No, why am I here?" You ask.

"Y'know Y/N-chan, I still haven't got my revenge" says Shin.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"I have always loved you Y/N-chan. But you decided to go and marry that scum Ruki" says Shin.

"Do not call Ruki-kun a scum!" You yelled and he smirk.

"Now that Ruki is gone, I can finally have you for myself" Your eyes widen in horror.


"Calm down babe. I only simply, send him away" says Shin as he traced his finger around your jaw.

"You won't get away with this Shin! Kou-kun and the others will find Ruki-kun!" You said.

"Maybe, but by the time they found me, you're already mine" says Shin as he attach his lips to yours.

Your eyes widen. You felt disgusted. You then kick Shin away and bite his lipd which made him groan. You were holding back your tears.

"That's not a nice thing to do Y/N-chan, now you'll receive punishment" Shin says coldly as he grabs a whip. Where did that came from?!

You trembled as Shin got closer to you. 'No... Ruki-kun... Save me!' You cried in your head. Just as Shin was about to whip you, the door burst open and the whip never came.

You open your eyes to see Ruki holding onto Shin's wrist. You cried with relief as Ruki scoffed and pushes Shin away.

"Ruki-kun! You came!" You cried.

"Of course I'd come for you. I love you and I swear to protect you" says Ruki as he breaks the chain.

"Noe let's get you out of here. Yuma, take her to safety" says Ruki.

"But what about you Ruki?" You ask worryingly.

"Don't worry about me" Ruki said.

"Ruki-kun... Stay alive" You said.

"I will"

You cried but promise to stay strong for Ruki. Yuma then brings you to safety with the help of the Sakamaki brothers and Kou and Azusa.

A day later, Ruki came back with a smile but with injuries. You ran to his arms and gave him a tight hug. Ruki then assures you that he'll never leave your side again.

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