Shu Sakamaki

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Gentle Shu x Reader

It's just another ordinary day. Though... It's been about a year since you were held somewhat captive here at the Sakamaki mansion.

This Sakamaki mansion lived 6 abnormal boys. They weren't human. They are what is called the blood sucking creatures. Vampires.

Beasts disguise as humans as what some people would call them. Initially, you were afraid of Vampires. However, it was not the case when you met him.

Shu Sakamaki, the eldest son of Karlheinz and the eldest brothers but is a lazy one and likes music. You had grew fond of the lazy vampire over the one year you were held captive.

When the others seems cold to you (Reiji and Subaru), Laito being a pervert, Ayato being all mighty and high and Kanato being a... Psycho as you call him, only Shu was more gentle towards you.

You never knew why Shu was being gentle to you but whenever you were in trouble, you'd always think of Shu first. You had soon realized that you had fallen for him.

"Shu, why are you so gentle to me?" You ask.

You were now in his room because you were bored. You didn't dare to go near his other brothers though he had warn you not to go near Laito.

"Are you trying to complain something?" Shu ask.

"That's not it! I'm just... Curious. You're different Shu, you're not like your other brothers" You said.

"I don't know myself Y/N" says Shu after a moment of silence.

"Shu... I've been wondering, why did y'all capture me in the first place?" You ask.

They never told you the reason that you're held here. Whenever you want to know, they never told you yet you never asked Shu before.

You were thinking of giving up asking if even Shu doesn't want to answer you. No, you're not trying to take advantage of his gentleness towards you. You just wanted to know.

"Do you have to know?" Shu ask.

"Well... If you don't want to I understand. When I first came, I ask your other brothers but they never answered.

I thought if I ask you I might get some answers. I'll give up if you don't want to tell me. And, I'm not taking advantage of your kindness to me" You said.

Shu stares at you with his one eye open. He then closes back with a sigh. You didn't know if that was a good sigh or a bad sigh.

You got startled when Shu suddenly woke up and remove his earpiece which he barely take them off. He then came close to you.

Your eyes widen with a silent gasp when Shu crashes to your face with a kiss. You couldn't process what was going on. Shu was kissing you instead of giving you an answer.

After a while, you find yourself kissing back Shu which caught him by surprise. After a somewhat kiss session, he broke apart.

Your face was beet red and your heart was beating fast. You didn't know what to do. You got flustered and ran out of Shu's room.

You ran back to your room and locked the door. You then hide beneath your covers, still thinking about the kiss.

"S-Shu kissed me... W-Why? Does he like me? N-No way..." You wondered.

Many questions ran through your thoughts as you were under the covers. You gasp and shake your head when you had dirty thoughts in your head.

"What am I thinking?!" Yoh ask yourself as you hide your face in your pillow.

Night soon came and you didn't went to dinner. You didn't have the appetite and you definitely wouldn't be able to sre Shu in the eye again.

Just as you were thinking about Shu, the door open but you didn't know who was it. You were slightly hoping it wouldn't be Shu but you were wrong.

The blanket was suddenly yanked out of your sight. You gasp when you realized it's Shu. You blushed as the image of the kiss returned.


"Why didn't you go for dinner?" Shu ask while sitting down at the edge of your bed.

"I-I am not hungry" You lied.

The moment you did, your stomach growled and you were embarrassed. Shu chukled softly before putting a tray of food in front of you.

"Eat" He said.

"A-Alright" You said.

It was difficult for you to eat while you're in the same room as Shu. Besides, you couldn't get that kiss out of your head.

After dinner, you put the tray aside. Shu was about to leave when you held his sleeve, asking him to stay. Shu did as you told.

"Y-You didn't give me an answer" You said softly.

"Don't you get it?" Shu ask softly while pulling you into a hug.

"Shu... Do you like me?" You ask.

"The reason you're here, it's because you're bound to be my mate. This is why I was the only one being gentle" says Shu.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You ask.

"You'd have freaked out" He simply said.

You looked away from Shu. However, Shu simply pulled you into another kiss and you gasp. But you eventually melted into the kiss.

"Shu... I love you" You confessed.

"I love you too Y/N. Do you want to be my mate?" Shu ask.

"I already am aren't I?" You ask and you two had a fun night 😏😉.

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