Muichiro Tokito

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Muichiro x Reader

"Mui! Yui!" You called the two twin brothers.

"Hey Y/N!" Muichiro greeted you happily.

"What do you want?" Yuichiro ask.

"Nii-san, don't be so harsh on cute little Y/N-chan!" Says Muichiro and Yuichiro scoffed.

"It's okay Mui! Yui has always been like that!" You exclaimed.

"Just state your reason" Yuichiro grumbled.

"I'm bored! Play with me!" You said.

"No way!" Yuichiro yelled and you flinched.

"I'll play with you. Let's go, I'll be back Nii-san" says Muichiro.

"What the- Oi Muichiro!"

Muichiro and you ignored Yuichiro's calls and the both of you went to a nearby forest and you decided to make flower crowns.

You were also teaching Muichiro how to make them. Though he would mess up but he soon made the perfect one and he places it on your head.

"It's pretty Mui!" Muichiro blushed.

"Arigatou Y/N" He says.

"Mui, we will always be together right? I mean, I lost my family and your parents adopted me. We'll be together won't we? You won't leave me right?" You ask.

Muichiro smiles and pulls you into a hug. You had always love Muichiro more than just a brother but you were afraid to confess. Little did you know what Muichiro felt the same.

"We'll always be together and I won't ever forget that" He said.

You sighed. Those memories are long gone. The Muichiro you knew is as cold as Yuichiro. He doesn't remember anything. He doesn't remember you.

"L/N-san?" You turn around to see Kyojuro Rengoku.


"What're you doing out here? It's time for the Hashira meeting" says Rengoku.

That's right. You are a Hashira as well. To be exact, you're an Ice Hashira. You work as a Demon Slayer along with the others.

Including Muichiro who is a Mist Hashira. It upsets you knowing that he doesn't remember anything. You were determine to find out what had happened but you didn't know where to start.

When you first came to the Demon Slayer Corp, you became close to Rengoku and Sanemi. Yes surprisingly the hot tempered Wind Hashira is your friend.

You didn't exactly told anyone about your past relationship with Muichiro. Though, only Mitsuri, the Love Hashira knew your feelings for him.

"Rengoku-san, what's the meeting about?" You ask.

"I heard that a Demon Slayer has been travelling with a demon girl" says Rengoku.

"He must have a reason for that. What's their relationship?" You ask.

"I don't know but whatever it is, he must be punish" says Rengoku.

You remained silent. Sure, accompanying a demon is against the rules but you can't help but to think that there must be a reason for this.

After the Pillars Meeting, Kagaya Ubuyashiki (Oyakata-sama) had allowed the novice hunter, Tanjiro Kamado to travel with his demon sister Nezuko.

You were now roaming around the garden when you decided to make a flower crown out of nowhere. When you finished, you smiled sadly.

"Mui..." You mumbled his name and hugged the flower crown.

"What are you doing?" You jolted and turn around to see Muichiro.


"What's that you're holding?" He ask.

"This? It's a flower crown" You said.

You wanted to put on his hand so badly but you hold yourself back. Muichiro easilt forgets things. You thought, just this one time won't hurt... Right?

"M-May I put this on you?" You ask holding the flower crown.

Muichiro stares at you blankly and you immediately regret asking him. Maybe Muichiro doesn't like flower crowns now? Maybe—

"Sure, but in return, teach me how to make one" You were shock.

You didn't expect Muichiro to agree. Nonetheless, you were happy. You grinned and place the flower crown on Muichiro's head and you smiled.

It was just like when you were kids. Muichiro still looked good in flower crowns. You remembered how he smiled so brightly and you missed his smile.

"Mui... Why did you forget?" You mumbled with your bangs covering your eyes.

"What's wrong Y/N?" He ask.

"It's nothing Mui... Do you want to learn how to make a flower crown?" You ask and Muichiro nods.

You gave a small smile and taught Muichiro how to make a flower crown. You actually learnt it from Muichiro himself. He was the one who taught you and now you're teaching him back.

"It feels weird. It feels as if I already knew how to make these" Muichiro said as he finishes up his flower crown.

"Maybe it's because... You've done it before" You said.

"I don't know and I don't remember" He says.

"I wish you had your bright smile back" You said.

"I've been thinking..." Muichiro spoke.

"About what?" You ask.

"You seem like you know me but never said anything. Why is that so?" Muichiro ask.

"W-Well... I-I... *sigh* I do know you before Mui... I just, can't say it to you. I didn't want you to hate me because... I love you" You confessed and Muichiro was shock.

"I know you may not love me back... I'm sorry. Let's pretend this conversation never happened" You said.

You were about to walk away when Muichiro grab your wrist and spin you around. He then smash his lips against yours which made your eyes widen.

You were speechless. Muichiro is kissing you! And it's not like he remembered you! What's going on?! After a while, Muichiro broke apart from you and you were blushing, still in a daze.

"Will you help me find my memories back?" He ask.

At that moment, you smiled. You knew his feelings for you even if he doesn't say it, he has proved it.

"Yes Mui"

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